Eight things to do on Memorial Day
…Besides remember those who lost their lives fighting for our country. Though, I believe I’m speaking to the non-Memorial Day celebrators with this post. I know all you #Mericans are celebrate the true meaning of this holiday today. All of you.
1. Catch up on the Totally Normal Podcast because it’s totally worth your time and it takes me so long to do every week so please make it worth it thank you.
2. Go raid Sam Heughan’s twitter feed to check out his birthday message to his first #accidentalfanfollow #SamsFanFollow @BarbaraMills1. And while you’re at it, tweet him to find out what product he is using on his skin to look so youthful:
@drobertsjhs wrestled off Hollywood! I cannot believe how generous you are! THANKYOU to you + all the wonderful fans! pic.twitter.com/GvxzI95Qcd
— Sam Heughan (@SamHeughan) May 20, 2015
3. Google-stalk Aaron Tveit and find out what he’s up to. This was also on last year’s list. It will probably be on next year’s list. We thank you in advance.
4. Head over to Twitter to congratulate TN writer Heidi on her newborn baby girl. She’s so cute she creates convos with TN friends like this one:

congrats on making the cutest baby, Heidi
5. Read The Girl on the Train one of our May Boozy Book Club picks because we’ll be discussing it soon.
6. Come up with a group cosplay idea for myself, Beth, Nikki and Jamie this year at Comic Con. It’s in like 6 weeks. GET EXCITED YA’LL. Save the hashtag #TNSDCC now.
7. Tweet Tobias Menzies on the hour, every hour and ask him to follow @Thats_Normal. Tell them we’ll make it worth his time. Use a lot of emojis and winky faces so he thinks that means we’ll send him lots of nudes. Tell him it’s our birthday or our dog just got hit by a car or we have a mammogram on Tuesday and we’re “really worried” or something else you come up with that is equally sad.
8. Find the most #Merican thing in your town (works best if you’re outside of the US) and tweet us a creative message, competing with other fellow non-American TNers. A bottle of Bud and an Eagle T-shirt goes to the winner. Use this Buzzfeed post as inspiration
Happy Memorial Day! Back tomorrow with our regularly scheduled programming!