First, Have cool friends that will do pretty much anything for a Fandom (check), then get these friends to fly to Los Angeles and hang out for a few days. Monday April 13th was the Hollywood Premiere of Age of Ultron. A bunch of lovely ladies came in for the premiere but what happened the entire weekend can only be described as “Awesome-ing the Crap Out of You”
Saturday Night: Avengers Party
What can only be described as fun, the party girls assembled at a hotel suite in Hollywood for a fun night in with drinks, dinner and delightful diversions. MoviefanJen had asked the hotel to put something Avengers in her hotel room, little did she know what fun treats would await her!
We ordered dinner in and made sangria in the hotel room. If you’re rocking a party in your house, then you would probably make these Black Widow jello shots that Lorena’s sister invented to be on theme. We were limited to ice machines and no fridge, so sangria it had to be. I’ll post the recipe in the comments.
Finally it was goodie bag time. I’m a dork when it comes to goodie bags. I love finding the stuff, I love putting them together. In fact, when I went to Party City to get a few of the treats and Jena’s balloons, the cashier told me “Your son is going to love this Avengers Party.” I replied, “Oh honey, it does look like it’s for a seven-year old boy, but I hate to burst your bubble, it’s for a bunch of grown-ass women who love the Avengers.” He bust out laughing and it was perfect.
Goodie Bags
From bookmarks, to lanyards to a custom Avengers Pendant printed by my friend 3DPrintingNerd and even Super Powered Nail Polish, these were specifically designed for each attendee based on their favorite MCU character.

Fun Avengers Goodiebags (yes, I know Batman is DC and I know he’s not an Avenger but Cynthia likes Batman so she got something special)
Avengers Cards
So I made custom Avengers Cards based on Cards Against Humanity, but if the Avengers are Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, then they can’t be against humanity right? We’ll just stick with Avengers Cards. Here are some of our most relevant favorites, which after some sangria and beer and jetlagged Jena, were really really funny!
But seriously some of the best questions and responses to this games are ones that mean the most to the people playing it like this one:
Or this one taken from Chelsea’s facebook comment:
Sunday: MTV Movie Awards
The MTV Movie Awards were crazy but a lot of fun together! Afterwards we had a great celebrity moment:
Monday: Avengers: Age of Ultron Premiere
Lorena here, taking over for this portion since Emily was late to the premiere cuz she had to work that Monday like a normal person.
The premiere was an experience! It was like Academy Awards intensity of closing down an entire block on Hollywood Ave. and we were front row, set up on the theater side of the road at front area to the entry walk to the actual movie theater (as in, super duper close to people IF they came to our side of the line of people). We didn’t see the movie and we were not on the red carpet… no no, this was the nitty gritty fangirl life of hanging out on pavement all day in the sun waiting for a glimpse of Chris Evans’ beard. I mean, I was waiting for Tom Hiddleston, technically, until we did a quick twitter search and discovered he was still in Dover, England shooting The Night Manager and signing autographs for young children #whatever So, then I pulled focus on Mark Ruffalo and even made a little sign to beckon him to me once he arrived (“Mark, let’s talk clean water” it read). That all said, it was a looooooong wait. Plus Jimmy Kimmel is literally across the street from where were waiting, and we knew they were all in there shooting Kimmel that day. It was just like… so close yet so far syndrome from 3pm onward.
But then the glorious moments of “I see that famous person I know on the screen arriving for their first interview!” began to flood in. I saw Brian Tyler on the screen really early on, which was awesome, except that he’s a total press whore and just took his sweet ass time and did not get to where we were until the bum rush at the end. Someone who did not take any time with press though was Jeremy Renner, aka Hawkeye, aka DTF A Fangirl That Night. But I’ll tell that story in a moment.
First let’s focus on who else was there… like of all the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! I just started watching this show, so it was super fresh in my mind and really exciting to recognize all these people and get pics with them. I’d say I had the most interaction with those actors. Though Clark Gregg did not come over. Boo!!! We did see Liam Hemsworth though, who made a quick entry at the beginning in a baseball cap. He just wanted to see the movie and not pay his press manager…can’t blame him!! I wanted to do that too!! By the way, Henry Simmons is HOT.
Stan Lee was there, which was cool, and then some randoms who are associated, like Nathan Fillion (Firefly) and Paul Rudd (Ant-Man). Joss Whedon did a quick straight shot run thorugh the long red carpet zone we were at, waving and not stopping as he went. Then some actually in the movie people showed, like Don Cheadle and Cobie Smulders and Samuel L Jackson. The newcomers made their way, including Paul Bettany, Aaron Taylor-Johnson (who totally hyphenated his name with his wife’s name because he is that guy! And so hot in person, btw), and Elizabeth Olsen. After all of that, the lull before the storm occurred, with Mark Ruffalo finally coming through, his wife and kids leading the pack. And he 100% did not come over to us at all! SO LAME. I don’t know if you’ve been to a red carpet or fan event like this where you’re yelling at peeps amongst hundreds of other fans, but holy crap it’s insane. No Ruffalo made me sad though. Shortly after the Chrises came through with ScarJo, who I didn’t even see cuz it was so incredibly crowded then.
Chris Hemsworth is beautiful. I don’t know how else to say it. In person he is just WOW. He has this presence to him that’s so comfortable and easy. He exudes this level of intimacy with you from afar. I don’t know how to explain it. He is all charm. I can’t even imagine him and Tom together and before me. I would be under charm attack. Tom would have to save me from Chris’ charm, and that’s saying something given my feelings for Tom. Like Tom is the “safe” option here. I can’t even. That’s what Chris does to a person, you guys. And he didn’t sign anything or stop for anyone or any photos, but he made eye contact when people yelled for him. As he looked my way, he gave me a wink. Yes that’s right, Chris Hemsworth found my eyes, smiled and gave me his little signature wink as he walked by me. I died. Seriously, if you want to leave flowers for me, where I died is right in front of Dolby Theater. My body is a puddle on the ground there.
I took this photo… this is Chris looking at me. *swoons again*
Then it was RDJ’s turn to crash through the crowd. Wow is he mega famous. I mean, you know these things, but until the person is in front of you surrounded by body guards, you don’t really KNOW it. He was the last to go and they were running behind by probably 45 minutes so they did not give out movie passes to any of us 🙁 But, that about sums it up…. except for that Renner story…
Lorena’s Jeremy Story
So, as you read above, Jeremy skipped press and headed straight for the theater. We were situated at the entry point where the celebs had to come from final photos and group chatting to head into the theater. He came fairly soon after Liam did and I had no clue he was there other than the screams of the other girls. When he was across from us, I yelled out his name and had my arm extended with my autograph book (that I got in my goodie bag on Saturday, yes mam!). He made his way over, nothing out of the ordinary. He wanted to spend time with his fans (which is made more apparent in a video clip where his manager tries to get him over the press line and he basically says the press can go fuck themselves cuz all he cares about are the fans) and spend time with us he did. Especially with my group. He spent a lot of time with us.
In fact, after signing my autograph book, Jena wanted a photo with him, which he was obliging for, and then her camera messed up and she called him back. This all happened in a matter of moments, of course, and when she caught his attention again (by reaching out and tapping his arm with an, “Excuse me, Mr. Renner?” like we all were younger than him—turns out we are! Dude is like 44!), he was standing right in front of me.
This is what happened next… Do you see that person behind Cynthia (selfie taker) holding her phone looking at a photo of someone standing on the red carpet, and you can’t really see more than her hand? That is me. That is my hand, my phone. And that is Jeremy, staring at me with a smirk and leaning over the red ropes towards me for a full like 30-45 seconds before I felt the intensity of someone staring at me.
Finally I look up at him and my immediately thought is, “I could kiss you, you are so close to me.” The next moment I think, “Your foundation will tastes really bitter if I kiss you.” The next moment I think, “I wish you were Tom Hiddleston.”
He is 8 inches away from my face, from my mouth. His eyes are nearly level with mine because he is only 4 inches taller than me and leaning.
It was really the most uncomfortably intimate moment ever. The kind of personal space encroachment you physically move away from, yet I was crowded in against a barricade and couldn’t do anything but smile in my discomfort and slight confusion. Should I kiss him? Does he want that? He seems to want that. But do I want that? I don’t think so… not really. Not now. So much foundation!
Finally Jeremy speaks. He moves his eyes to indicate Jena, who still fumbling with her camera, and says to me, “This is tolerance.”
I laugh easily and thank him for his patience. I tell him, “I wish I could help, but this beyond my abilities.” What did I NOT do? I did not give him an easy, manipulative wink or initiate a sexy stare off contest or use a flirtatious voice when talking to him. I did not use ANY of my usual charms. Instead I acted like my husband and made the whole thing platonic.
By the time Jena got her camera in working order, I realized Renner had been DTF, like totally DTF, and I had just friendzoned him. He reached out and gave my forearm a squeeze before moving to Jena for the photo. Look at my face… know that I am thinking, “WTF JUST HAPPENED TO ME?!” in this moment.
God damnit, Jeremy, I promise I flirt as effectively with strangers as Chris Hemsworth does. Let’s go again, okay? As he left us, I just kind was like #regret (which obviously I tweeted him about because I am me and tweet random things to celebrities).
Photo op with Iron man
After it was all over, after hours of waiting, we got a photo op with the Hollywood Blvd Iron Man… But it was worth it.
We had so much fun and can’t wait for the movie to be released tomorrow! We’ve avoided as many spoilers and we possibly could but to celebrate, we are doing a great give away! We still have some goodie-bag goodness left over from our party.
Comment below and tell us what you’d do at your Avengers party and you’ll be entered to win a goodie bag that includes Super Hero Nail polish from Super Nails, an Avengers Cookie cutter from 3DPrinting Nerd and a few more surprises!
KC, from SuperNails has also given us a coupon code to order your own superhero nail polish from her etsy store. Use AVENGERSPARTY at checkout for 15% off any purchase. If you don’t see your Avenger or Superhero there, message her and she’ll mix you up something special!
Premiere Gallery
Without a complete picspam post here are the rest of the photos from the premiere:
- Adrianne Palicki
- Eldon Henson
- Aaron Taylor-Johnson
- Henry Simmons
- BJ Britt
- Chloe Bennet
- Chloe Bennet
- Chris Evans
- Chris Evans
- Scarlett Johansson & Chris Evans
- Chris Hemsworth
- Chris Hemsworth
- Chris Hemsworth
- Chris Hemsworth
- Chris Hemsworth
- Scarlett Johansson & Chris Evans
- James Spader
- Chris Daughtry
- Taran Killam
- Lou Ferrigno
- Mark Ruffalo
- Michael Rooker
- Ming Na Wen & Don Cheadle
- Nathan Fillion
- Liam Hemsworth
- Anthony Mackie
- Paul Rudd
- Paul Bettany
- Robert Downey Jr.
- Samuel L. Jackson
- Stan Lee
Do you have your tickets to Avengers: Age of Ultron yet?