Or. Well. We sorta do. Unless you’re talking to book fans who are capital U [UPSET] about that final scene between Jamie and Claire. Internet rage is lighting up like Christmas City. Ain’t that right, Bruno?
Sidenote: This song was recorded in my city, and damn if Bruno doesn’t look like my Grandmommy Ginny in this whole video. It’s like he took a stroll down to Coopers Grocery at Quince and Perkins circa 1976 and asked her if he could borrow her outfit, her pack of Virginia Slims and her attitude.
Before we get going: MUCH LOVE to Amy for straight KILLING the Outlander recaps for episodes 110 and 111. If you haven’t read her posts, go there now and raise your LAWD MERCY hands for her hilarious observations. I’ll wait.
Everybody back? Good. Don’t expect me to be that funny or on point. All I have are My Top Ten Moment from Outlander ep 112, which was, lezbe honest, not my favorite. Whew. Here we go.
1. Hi, Scotland, you’re pretty.
This may seem like a total cop out of a favorite moment, but the beginning of this episode was legit landscape porn. Like I’m worried that Thomas Kincade’s wife needs to renew her Covenant Eyes subscription in case he ruins ANOTHER MacBook spurting over these panoramas. What he did to their Lord of the Rings DVDs was unconscionable.
For real though, I thought people were exaggerating when talking about how gorgeous Scotland really is. After all, you don’t hear that much about England and it’s the same island. But after driving through there for four days (sidenote – invest in wider roads or some shoulder or something, Scotland – MY HEART can’t take the near misses), I get it. Scotland is beyond beautiful. I appreciate all of these shots so much more knowing that the countryside deserves to be seen in all its glory.
2. Black Brian
We knew it was coming. After all, they wouldn’t have cast a specific actor for Brian Fraser if all we were going to get of him was a short glimpse in episode 6. And here he is. I loved this flashback scene with Jamie and Brian at Fort William. It’s so important: we see Jamie’s love for his father, how he reveres him throughout the episode, but if we hadn’t SEEN Brian, that would have felt hollow. Instead we get this steady influence who’s present for his son in his crisis (and that makes his absence all the more potent). Plus it’s SUPER SADSIES TO SEE HIM KICK IT. 🙁
3. This Nuanced MotherF—er Right Here
Yeah, I’m gonna go there. I’m gonna talk about how reawarding it was to watch Black Jack be … well, a sadistic motherf—er. Can’t handle it? Head to #4. But this point?
You know you love it. The blood under his fingernails when he forces his digits into Jenny’s mouth. The look in the screencap above where he is almost – almost – sweetly hopeful that Jamie is going to say yes. The flashback to the flogging that suddenly speaks of something much more sadistic than we realized: he’s a man denied, he’s a pervert exposed. He’s a cowed alpha male. He’s beating Jamie NOT just for the sadistic pleasure he gets in his pain, but for the knowledge that Jamie holds over him, and will always hold over him. And … THAT scene … the one … with Jenny. Is it appropriate to give a standing ovation for a lack of *ahem* standing? Whatever. I’m in awe of Tobias, every scene, every time.
I said it in last week’s Hangoutlander, and I will probably say it in this week’s as well, but I freaking HATE Jenny. Show me any other female character in the show, and I will show you a million ways she is a better potential friend than Janet Fraser.
Look at her! Jenny doesn’t even bother with Resting Bitchface™ — she just goes Full Tilt Active Bitchface 24/7. Who is that freaking inhospitable from the get-go??? Maybe it’s the Southern in me, but I’d deign to offer some sweet tea to my uncle’s ex-wife who stole my dead grandmother’s doll collection and sold it on Craigslist for an ounce of meth if that hooker ever came by, but Jenny can’t even be bothered to look her only brother’s lady in the face before she’s throwing shade and slagging her off.
How Claire keeps from smacking her, or calling her a crusty c—word, is beyond me. EPIC self-control, Claire. Kudos. No one should have to be that uncomfortable when meeting in-laws for the first time … or ever, really. Jenny, you’re the worst.
5. Playing Dress Up
It’s just a little thing, but it brought me so much joy … seeing Jamie playing Laird of the Manor in his daddy’s coat.
He’s so proud of himself in it, after galavanting through the house and peaking in all the places his parents used to hide his Christmas gifts, no doubt finding their ancient hidden sex toys and, after gagging, realizing that sleeeping in his dead parents’ bed is creepy as hell. Especially after his sister and his best friend have been making babies in it for four years. But I digress.
I loved this little call out: Jamie dressing up as laird. It was sweet without being overt. When Claire tells him later that he’s trying to be someone he’s not, you know it not just because of how he’s been acting, but how he has looked as well. Perfect.
6. 12 Grimmauld Place
I mean …. Lallybroch. I get that like, wallpaper wasn’t a thing for at least another 30 years, but is there a reason that Lallybroch looks like it’s being strategically hidden from Muggles?
I half expect to see a nest of dead puffskeins under the sofa and Walburga Black’s portrait screaming at Claire from the downstairs hallway. Lallybroch is weird as hell.
7. Party Girls Don’t Get Hurt
If you don’t love Drunk!Jamie Fraser, just see yourself out. Something about our stoic and staid hero getting pissed makes me inordinately giddy. And it was a perfectly sweet married moment between Jamie and Claire to see him come in disgustingly trashed while Claire is trying to sleep. Stop being adorable, Frasers.
8. In-Law Commiserations
I haven’t said much about Steven Cree as Ian Murray (although he plays Ian perfectly), mainly because I.don’t.get.Ian. How can someone so unassuming and sweet put up with Jenny for more than half a day??? Can she suck a golfball through a garden hose*? Is that it? Regardless, I loved his patient commiseration with Claire … as the only non-Frasers in the Fraser drawing room, they gotta stick together to survive.
*thanks, DougalsBeard
9. On Ramps FTW
I know fans are getting all INTERESTED in certain anatomies that were put on display this episode (shocking lack of boobs, Starz. I am aghast). But while weirdos on Facebook are asking their husbands to take cold showers for science … ie their weird ass curiosity about shrinkage, hand size and one Stan Hogan … I will be over here obsessing about another body part that was put to good use in the mill pond. THOSE ON-RAMPS.
If you don’t know what I mean, on-ramps are that perfect muscley slope that only really fit guys have that are precisely situated to cradle a lady’s thighs. They are the hotness. All the applause to your trainer, Sam.
10. Declare Yourself
This was the first episode of Outlander where I legit shed some tears. You know that scene in the book that starts out sweet, midway gets weird about a sheep’s face, but then ends with so much swoon, you’ve worn out the print on the page? Was that in this episode? IT WAS?
I think I missed it. I think we ALL missed it. After what was widely considered to be a pisspoor post-stones reunion scene in the last episode, the least we could have gotten at Lallybroch, when it was time for the first “I love you’s” was some serious emotion.
We KNOW Sam and Caitriona can bring (we all saw The Reckoning). So what was it about this scene that felt off? Was it rushed throught the editing room, was it too glib, was it the lack of “I love you” sex? I haven’t figured it out, but I’m sure the myriad conversations it will spark online will sum it up for me.
And those tears I shed? They were for Jenny in the graveyard. DAMMIT, JANET.
So, what did you think of episode 112? Disappointed in the declarations? Worried that Tobias is using a stunt peen? Worried that Tobias ISN’T using a stunt peen? Wax intellectual in the comments.
And join us for Hangoutlander Monday night at 10pm EST as we get into it.