It was a normal evening, just like any other when I was suddenly caught off guard by Stephen Amell posting on his FB page a link to an Arrow preview. One that contained the inexplicably hot simple action. My life was irrevocably changed for the better and nerd girls/women everywhere rejoiced by this seconds long detail.
In my head, when I day dream about special, umm, moments with Stephen Amell, I never pictured this. Now this is how all of my future scenarios start. Hell, I don’t even wear my glasses most of the time, but if this is even a sliver of a possibility, I will. It may also be the knowledge that the glasses coming off also results in the following:
Apologies for the near seizure inducing flashing, it’s just mimicking our erratic heart beats (that sentence is truly a sign that I read too many erotic/romance novels.) DAMN, after three seasons, lots of rough patches and plenty of unresolved sexual tension –you know how I’m all about the UST– Felicity and Oliver can no longer make excuses and are giving into their abundance of sexual chemistry.
And to think that this leg hitch…
which is infinitely sexy, doesn’t quite make me melt as much as the hot boy taking off the nerd girl’s glasses to look into her eyes and then ravish her.
I’m not sure whether this is just a wild fantasy of mine Felicity’s or even Oliver’s but I’m hoping that the writers (who have actually followed my suggestions pretty closely, you’re welcome) aren’t giving us false hope.
Don’t break my fan girl heart!
In the meantime, I’ll just be over here watching this on repeat until April 15th (or whenever I return from Europe — are they caught up on Arrow? **adds to list of things to figure out before leaving tomorrow**.)
Also, fan videos are the best. Check it.
Have I convinced you to watch Arrow yet? Are you shipping Olicity? Should we have a post episode hangout so we can go through each moment?