I am a Pop Culture Faker
Let me explain. You know that I co-own That’s Normal with Nikki. And here at That’s Normal we make your obsessions normal. We’re just average, every day girls (and guys- there’s at least 3 of you…) who take comic book geeking, TV show binging, Terrible-but-oh-so-amazing-Film-Watching and hot guy obsessing and turn it into a normal part of our day. Have to present this afternoon to get a cool million in new business at your agency? Awesome! This morning how about you catch up on Man Candy Mondays. Leaving for a weekend at the Pentagon because you’re in the Navy Reserves? Thanks for all you do for our country- here’s the latest gossip on Sam Heughan. We know that, despite the fact that you’re killing it in your 9-7 (or for our stay at home mom readers, you’re killing it at keeping little people alive full time), all of us know everything about those obsessions we have.
Well, I don’t.
I’ve read limited “Famous” YA series
Yeah, I read Harry Potter. And obviously we know I’m a TwiHard, but before Twilight, I was NOT into fandoms. And I’m still not sure I am. I LOVE them, but what I love is the people watching, the drama in them and the terrible, horrible merchandise. I could give two shits about the fact that The Mortal Instruments is coming to TV. I’ve never read TMI, and I probably never will. The Maze Runner? Meh. And shhhh I only watched Mockingjay Part 1 last month because the studio sent us the Blu-Ray to cover (Full Disclosure: We did give it to Jamie W. who covers The Hunger Games for us, but I watched it first. #ClassyLikeThat). I read a lot, but classic YA stuff besides Harry Potter and Twilight? Don’t come to me for that!
What’s a Loki?
I don’t know the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek. No, really. That’s not just a thing I say. I actually don’t know the difference. Which one was Natalie Portman in? Because that is the only one I saw. (If she was in multiple, I saw the first one she was in).
I actually just googled “Loki” to find out what series it’s in. Turns out, it’s not in EITHER. I could pretend that didn’t happen and instead change the heading to “What’s a Chewbacca” which is what I meant to say, but in the spirit of confession, I’ll keep it there. I do now, however, remember Loki is played by Tom Hiddleston. One cannot be friends with Lorena and forget that fact (for long).
Oh LOOK– Loki with Natalie. SEE. I AM Smart (Sorta. I’ve never seen Thor)
Marvel vs. The other One
I’ll think of the other company’s name before I finish this paragraph (IS IT DARK KNIGHT? Nope…), but I don’t know what Marvel publishes and what {INSERT OTHER COMPANY} publishes. I know one of them owns Batman and the other owns Spiderman. Or maybe Superman. Actually I have no idea. They could all be published by Scholastic for all I really know.
Dammit… I really thought the name would come to me…. I did pass by the owner/creator/really famous guy who is a part of one of the famous comic publishers at Comic Con though. He was doing a signing and it was like the Beatles reincarnated, but with smelly nerds with swords and stuff. Okay, I sound like a crazy person so I’m gonna google WHO I saw…. STAN LEE! I saw Stan Lee guys!
I go to Comic Con for the free Booze
I go to Comic Con for the boob grabs
People assume that since I’ve attended 2 San Diego Comic Cons and 1 New York Comic Con, I must REALLY be into nerd culture or at least a pretty avid fan of the Comic Book turned Films. Nope. I’ve seen the Batmans. I watched the first Avengers, but I haven’t seen ANY of the Spidermans, nor superman not to mention ANY of the other myriad of films. I don’t know when their panels are at the Cons, and I don’t know who is attending signings. I do know that I will never get into any of the parties celebrating those pop culture phenoms, so I’ll just be at that bar over there having a cocktail still trying to remember what the competitor to Marvel’s name is, thanks.
Not surprising, I don’t watch Game of Thrones
Actually…. I saw half of the first episode, that scene where Jon Snow goes down on Ygritte and the Red Wedding. That’s it. I KNOW guys. It’s the biggest thing EVER. EVERYONE Loves Game of Thrones, but I missed out on the boat early on. And I don’t have time in my life to binge watch anything.
Except that scene, maybe
And I think that’s the problem right there. Time. Plus, I didn’t have brothers, so I knew nothing of nerd/geek culture growing up. My dad wasn’t into Batman or Superman and neither were the boys I dated (but my first boyfriend was obsessed with the Fast and Furious franchise, so I’ve obviously seen those). And now, by the time I hear that something is cool, it’s been out for too long for me to catch up. I’ve got naps to take and terrible ABC Family shows to watch.
I might co-own a website, edit half the posts each week and write myself multiple times a week, but I’m NOT at the cutting edge of anything. And since I’ve lived till almost 32 without really being “hip” on pop culture, I’m probably not going to start now.
So that’s it. You’ve heard my confession. I hope you’ll still be my friend.
Wait— DC COMICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew I’d remember!!!!!
What about you? Are you a pop culture embarrassment to your friends like I am?