Starting last month, ABC introduced the new comedy, “Fresh Off the Boat” based on the book of the same name by celebrity chef, Eddie Huang. While I had no idea what to expect of the show (nor if it would seem too stereotypical of a different culture), I fell for this show immediately. Not that I do not appreciate the main character, Eddie and his undying love of 90s hip-hop culture and music, but it was his quick-witted, matter of fact, extremely frugal mother that won me over.
Perhaps it is the brilliance of Constance Wu, playing Jessica Huang with a dash of cunning, naiveté, humor, determination and gumption that makes her character so likable.
And if you aren’t completely sold by my idol, Jessica. Tune into the show for the numerous mid-nineties references (and if you weren’t even born yet in the mid-nineties, what are you doing here? scram!):
The Clothes
The Dance Styles
The Food
Good luck not craving Chili’s for the rest of the day.
Are you watching this show? Who is your favorite character? Are you feeling nostalgic about the 90s?