You might remember that TWILIGHT IS BACK YA’LL with #TwilightStories. Lionsgate, Tongal, Women in Film, Volvo, Vampires Anonymous and the Jorts section at KMart have come together to give women filmmakers a chance to tell the stories of some beloved Twilight characters.
The winning screenwriters have been chosen for the project and were exclusively revealed by The Full screenplays are available on if you have no life and want to read them. Or you can just wait for the movies because READING IS FOR LOSERS. JK you should totally read them.
And the Winners are:
“The Groundskeeper” by Sarah Turi Boshear follows Alice and the events that led to her becoming a vampire. Read here.
“Sunrise” by Alanna Smith tells Benjamin’s story. Read here.
“Turncoats” by Lindsey Hancock Williamson is about Garrett and Carlisle during the Revolutionary War. Read here.
“The Mary Alice Brandon File” by Kailey and Sam Spear focuses on Alice’s human life before she became a vampire. Read here.
“Consumed” by Cullyn Doerfler & Megan L. Reese tells Jane and Alec’s story. Read here.
“We’ve Met Before” by Thea Green is all about Alice and Jasper’s first meeting. Read here.
You’ll notice that there is no screenplay about Huilen- our most beloved character we talk about on an almost daily basis. Haha jk we can’t remember who he is either. *Note: The editor is telling me he is a she*
It’s time to start submitting Director Pitches. If you’re a filmmaker, head over to and make TN proud!
Win a Volvo and other prizes
Volvo is launching “The Storytellers: New Voices of the Twilights Series Drive to Dream Sweepstakes,” where by voting in the contest, fans can enter to win a new VOLVO XC60 CROSSOVER. Learn more on their website.
Additionally, up to thirteen (13) monthly prize winners will have a chance to receive a Twilight swag bag and Harman Kardon Soho Wireless Headphones or Soundsticks Wireless Home Speakers.
We’ll update you as we learn more and find out whether or not the characters in the short films are going to LOVE wearing their contracts or HATE them.