Full disclosure: I never had any interest in reading these books because I was too busy trying to keep up with Diana Gabaldon’s universe (you know what I’m talking about) Then a group of very persuasive ladies (ahem) told me I just had to read Twilight. So, here we are!
Anywhooose, I actually really enjoyed the series; far more after I read an interview with Stephenie Meyer where she explained how it all came to be. I have a ton of respect for anyone who can get a story out of her head and on to paper in 3 months, all while taking care of 3 kids. And a pure novice to boot!! The twitterverse and Facebook are filled with people who think they are good writers and storyteller. Umm. No. She delivered, big.
A few Twilight Series observations:
I wish I had had the pleasure of reading it in real time. I tore through all four books in about two weeks and think I really missed out on a great shared experience. Having to wait in between books forces you to re-read them…to pine over your favorite characters, to dissect every word with like-minded fans. You have time to really absorb the story. I didn’t have that….to me, it was a rollicking good time and a great page turner!
It’s pretty remarkable seeing the growth of the characters over the four books because of the growth of Stephenie Meyer as a writer. She never stopped being a fun and interesting story teller, she just seemed to get better at story editing and layers.
I loved Bella and sort of hated her at the same time. A young lady strong enough to leave her mother so her weaker mother could be happy does not strike me as someone who would have such crap self-esteem FOR FOUR FRIGGEN BOOKS!!! Look, I get that my husband Jack completes me (shut up haters), but when you are 18 years old, the notion that you can only be a realized human when some super pretty and super rich guy likes you (and turns you in to a vampire) is a shitty message to send to young people. And quite frankly, it never seemed to jive with her inner strength; it was the one thing I didn’t like about her. Oh, and that stupid effing kid name. WTF?
I never really connected with Edward (would the movie be diff?? Rob Pattinson is hot on a stick….maybe that would help) I wish I could connect with him, but he was so controlling. I am anti-controlling men, but I am very pro hot men, so who know… Maybe a second read-through would change that.
Love Jacob. Just a genuine and sweet guy…. BUT WTF WITH THE IMPRINTING??? Seriously, that is some creepy shit. But then again, if you want to fall for some miniature half-vampire named Renesmee, more power to you! I loved the Native American storytelling and the really rich backstory of his tribe and family. Though, to be frank, was a little pissed when they turned out to be shape-shifters (like Oprah if anyone is familiar with Kathleen Madigan’s comedy routine about Oprah)….it seemed like that development deserved to be more than a couple of paragraphs.
Movies? Maybe….not sure….that’s a lot of time to devote to watching Kristen Stewart not smile.
Wife, Mother, Navy Reserve officer, Iraq War veteran, small business owner, political junkie, golf FANATIC, and lover of crazy pants. How about you??
Current obsessions also include: Malbec, a flat stomach, Coldplay, the perfect pint, Hyde Park, Tiffany wedding bands, frequent flier miles, moving back to the Lowcountry and finally meeting all the peeps I text with face to face.
You would not know me from anything unless you confused me with Hillary Swank or my identical twin sister.