We haven’t covered Fifty Shades as closely as some other sites who cover fandom-stuff and this is why: Nikki and I never read it and two other key TN people are NOT fans. Hint on their Names: B**h and J*m*e. BUT, being outside of the fandom drama that surrounds 50 Shades (it exists, trust me) and pretty intrigued with the film (and also a BIG Jamie Dornan Fan. HELLO), I’ve been looking forward to seeing 50 Shades of Grey. And so I was really excited that Fangirlish go to see it early. Spoiler alert: They loved it. Make sure to check out their raving Fifty Shades of Grey review here.
Let’s do this. #FiftyShadesTODAY #FiftyShadesFirst #FiftyShadesOfCray @fiftyshadesmovie @todayshow A photo posted by Fangirlish.com (@fangirlishness) on
BUT… I know what you really want to know. What did they REALLY think? You come to TN for recommendations like you’d get from your BFFs. You know you text your girlfriend’s all the time asking for the REAL story behind whatever they just posted on Facebook…. we do the exact same thing. And so… before any of us at TN get a chance to see the movie, we’re bringing you a Real Quick Review of 50 Shades of Grey from the text messages we sent with the Fangirlish girls right after they saw the movie.
#50ShadesofCray: A 50 Shades of Grey Review
Erin: This screening is fifty shades of cray. Also I am next to ppl from Brazil. Big shock
Andie: Brazil? Just like Twilight! This fandom really scares me.
Erin: Amen
Nikki: Wait you saw 50 Shades at 6am??
Bekah: Haha
Andie: Yes.
Bekah: Haha
Andie: Yes.
Bekah: Details girls !!
Andie: It was really good. Like, better than I ever expected it would be. And generally speaking, we all loved Dakota.
Bekah: Did you love Jamie?
Nikki: How many times did you yawn during their sex scenes?! 6am !!!
Andie: There weren’t really that many sex scenes, they weren’t that bad. The old women were hooting in the audience.
Nikki: Oh lawd. Was there lots of fade to sad?
Andie: I actually laughed quite a bit
Bekah: Think fandom will be disappointed with lack of sex ?
Elena: I thought the sex scenes were really good. We’ve been told repeatedly you only get Jamie’s backside but you at one point you literally see the base of his shaft right as he pulls his pants down
Nikki: Were people mad they didn’t see full P?
Elena: no
Bekah: Base of shaft.
Andie: More like
Nikki: No one wanted their money back for lack of penetration??
Andie: …it was free.
Nikki: Figuratively!! Can you say penetration at 8am? Yes because you saw it at 6am!
Bekah: No chemistry concerns?
Andie: Hahahaha it’s definitely worth seeing!
Erin: It’s definitely worth seeing. Also I like Dakota Johnson no question
Erin: And I think Jamie has boxoted is upper lip
Nikki: Dang there goes my plan to laugh in the theater! Kind of really want to see this now
Andie: I’ve been saying all morning: If Henry Cavill and Ryan Phillippe had a kid, it would be Jamie Dornan.
Erin: Omg though Jamie Forman needs a lil manscaping. There should not be that much hair
Bekah: Is he related to George? Really ?? Down in the public area ?
Erin: His public area is fine. His pubic area needs some tidy
Andie: Hahahaha
Erin: Unless he had a pubes double. Then it’s that person who needs the help.
Bekah: Ewww. Clean it up Dornan. I mean Forman.
Erin: I’d still let him f*ck me into next week
Nikki: So it worked for him!?
Erin: Yup
Nikki: So wait who am I supposed to see this with next week in LA since you guys already saw it?!??
Bekah: Go alone . Lol. Bring a plastic sheet to sit on. JOKES
Nikki: Oh god. Omg I just saw your snap chats. Tell me more about that woman in the biker jacket that said “aim to please”!
Andie: She also wore a t-shirt made with puff glitter paint.
Bekah: Haha
Andie: The front said “laters baby”
Nikki: Of course it did. The dream of the early 90s lives on in the puff paint aisle
Andie: Carson Daly (he moderated) mentioned something about “just like the old days at TRL…the girls are back, only now you have kids, which is creepy”
Nikki: I want to know how many of these women have tried to whip out a flogger on their 65 yr old husband named Fred while in bed. Omg Carson
Andie: It’s cute you think they’re married
Nikki: Hahahha I hold out hope….
Check out Fangirlish’s Review of Fifty Shades of Grey
Are you excited to see 50 Shades of Grey now?!