1. Kevin Spacey
Kevin Spacey plays a fantastic evil protagonist. Remember The Usual Suspects? For some reason, and let’s hope it’s not from real life experience, Kevin Spacey does a great job being the character who obviously cannot be trusted, but is likable enough that you still find yourself rooting for him and then hating yourself for it, because his character is clearly a horrible human being. You will find yourself loving while being horrified by his character, House Majority Whip Frank Underwood.
2. Robin Wright
Robin Wright plays Francis Underwood’s wife, Claire. She is just as power hungry as Frank, all the while looking amazing in one of her sheath dresses. She’s not your typical female lead, and may be just as ruthless as Frank.
3. The Marriage of Frank and Claire Underwood
Frank and Claire have a very unconventional marriage. As season one unfolds, you get a look into why Claire married Frank (spoiler alert: I don’t think it was for love) as well as the dynamics of their marriage that are unlike any marriage I’ve ever seen. I don’t want to give too much away, but it is definitely intriguing, and I still haven’t quite figured them out.
4. It Will Make you Lose Faith in Our Country’s Political System
Have you ever felt so fed up with politics in our country and how nothing can seem to get done, because even if someone has a good idea, everyone in the other political party will do whatever they can to thwart it just to keep their rivals from looking good, that you thought, “I could go to Washington and do so much better”? Because I definitely have. However, after watching HOC, I’m fairly certain I would get eaten alive. I’ve heard that some politicians say HOC is far-fetched and others say that people would be shocked at how close it is to reality. While I imagine it’s probably something in between, it’s fascinating and terrifying to think of what goes on behind closed doors in our capital.
5. Season 3 Comes Out February 27
Netflix is releasing the entire third season on February 27, which is THIS FRIDAY!!!! So you should probably binge watch seasons one and two ASAP, since it’s cold and snowy practically everywhere right now, and watching the entirety of season three is a great way to spend the end of February. Check out the trailer below.
Are you watching House of Cards? How excited are you for Friday!?