Top 5 Lessons I Learned From Downton Abbey This Week:
In the season premiere, they reminded me of these important life lessons:
- You CANNOT get away with an extra-marital affair (at least not under the Abbey’s roof!)
Jimmy did not, apparently, learn this lesson from the gossip over the death of Kamal Pamuk in Lady Mary’s bed. Or Ethel, who got herself knocked up and ended up a prostitute. Or Edna, who pretended to get knocked up and had to leave Downton in disgrace after essentially raping poor Tom Branson. So he decided to take his turn getting caught with his pants down, by none other than Lord Grantham himself. - Spill your secrets before someone else gets the chance to do so.
But figure out how to watch your back afterward. Because if it’s Thomas who knows your secret, he’s gonna be maaaaaad!
. - Do NOT try to dye your own hair.
Especially if you’re Molesley.
. - .When you’re upset (because the tenant farmer’s wife thinks you’re after her husband [because she doesn’t know her adopted daughter is really your illegitimate daughter] and you’re grieving the loss of your former paramour), DON’T throw your book in the direction of a roaring fire and then go to sleep.
Because, you know, books are flammable. And if you die, you won’t get to see little Marigold any sooner, although you might get to see Michael, I guess…
. - If you are a writer, director, producer, etc. of a major TV show, don’t set up a love triangle at the end of one season only to skip over the only interesting part when you start the next.
And while I’m SO over love triangles in general and am on Team Tony, still. Come on! The only good thing about Matthew dying was watching Mary torture more men. They’re really going to end it this quickly? And scandalously?
So what did you think of the Downton Abbey season 5 premiere? Anyone else do a happy dance when the opening song came on? Let’s discuss!