This Valentines day, Chivalry makes a comeback.
Introducing Old Fashioned: a love story about an “old-fashioned” and God-honoring courtship in contemporary America between a reformed frat boy (Clay) and a free-spirited young woman (Amber)

Ugh, leave room for Jesus you guys
That’s right, instead of whips and chains, we’ve got hand-holding during prayer and marshmallow roasting on Friday nights. Instead of sex we’ve got, well, no sex:
The social media for this movie is ON POINT, and I picked a few of my favorite social shareables for you to share with your Bible Study groups, MOPS friends or Prayer warriors in your lives:
DO IT. (Do you think Clay wears Axe body spray?)
Welllll… hard choice (But Grey)
The first thing I noticed on this image was the size of her boobs. Not even lying…
Really a wide demographic for their marketing, doncha think?
I’m kinda obsessed with this movie. As someone who could break into Avalon’s Adonai for you RIGHT NOW and sing all the lyrics by heart, who knew of Joy Williams long before The Civil Wars when she was blonde and weighed more and has been to my fair share of “Lock-ins,” I actually think this movie looks cute. I will totally watch it on Demand, in the comfort of my home, perhaps with some other friends who can still rap DC Talk on command, with MW Smith (or even SCC if we wanna take it real old school) playing in the background while we eat popcorn and pretzels (and drink a few bottles of wine, lezzbe honest).
For a “Christian” movie, this looks much higher budget than anything else out there (FIRE AND BRIMSTONE (is that a thing?) THE TRIBULATION TIMES WITH KIRK CAMERON (definitely a thing)) and pretty well-made. I totally respect anyone’s desires to have an “old fashioned” courtship as much as I respect people who want to have an Edward & Bella errr Christian and Anastasia-type relationship. I just wonder if, in the case of Old Fashioned, and trying to literally go up against Fifty Shades of Grey, Christians are, once again, making a laughing stock of themselves… just a tiny bit.
Never change evangelical Christianity, never change….
Will you be going GREY or CLAY this Valentine’s Day?
Old Fashioned Opens in select Theaters Valentine’s Weekend
Big shout out to Kenneth, my bro in JC, for this epic find!