In case you are still sitting around navel-gazing about #Droughtlander, quit that sh*t. We have a very fun solution for your lack of fictional man love coming up on Hangoutlander. We like to pit the King of Men against other fictional kings of men and see who comes out on top*.
We did it a few months ago with the hero of The Bronze Horseman series, Alexander Belov. So who’s up against JAMMF this time? None other than the inimitable Jericho Z Barrons from Karen M Moning’s Fever series. There’s a brand new Barrons book coming out this month (entitled Burned) and in celebration of having the Constant Jackass back on our bookshelves, we decided to put him in a metaphorical cage match with Jamie. Fight to the death boys! Or to … the nudity. Definitely to the nudity.
Our JAMMF vs Shura Hangoutlander sparked a bit of controversy … a few people (*cough* SUSAN *cough*) thought it was rigged in JAMMF’s favor. She may have a point.
This time, we are gonna do our best to keep all bias from this very scientific and important question:
WHO IS BETTER: Jamie Fraser or Jericho Barrons?
In order to do that, we are crowd-sourcing our criteria: we want YOU to come up with the challenge questions. All the burning questions you’ve wanted to get real answers to about these fictional men … give em to us. “Who has better hair?” “Who has the worst fandom?” “Who wears silk shirts better?” Important stuff.
Leave your challenges for Jericho and Jamie in the comment section below. We will pull from them for our Epic Battle Hangoutlander on January 20th!
Mark your calendars, ladies. Or be a person of the 21st century and click this link to join the event.
If you haven’t read the Fever Series yet, and don’t know what we are talking about, NEVER FEAR! You have time to read them. They go super quick (even though there are five books) but we will try to keep the talk as spoiler free as possible. Get them now, READ THEM NOW and JOIN US LIVE! Also, keep a look out on our twitter for Fever series talk. We are all busy re-reading right now and LOVING it.
And if you missed our last Hangoutlander: Holiday Edition, you can watch it here.
There’s a lot of talk about Yule Logs and Tobias. Bekah can’t remember anything about Outlander, the show or the book. And Jamie KILLS it with a fantastic idea for a fan gift. It’s a good time.
For all our Hangoutlander recaps and videos, click here: