First: Did you know there is going to be a live-action version of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast?
That’s Right: THIS
will be turned into live-action amazingness ala THIS:
(cannot wait for Cinderella!)
Disney is slowly but perfectly turning our beloved childhood cartoons into films with real-life people.
And the fact that my most favorite childhood movie of all time will be the next up is almost too much for this little heart of mine to handle. Not to mention it is being directed by Twilight’s Bill Condon, the man responsible for making me less embarrassed to be a Twilight-movie fan. Bill directed Dreamgirls and Chicago, so yeah, he knows what he’s doing, mmkay?
If it can’t be me (And I’m still unsure as to the reason why it can’t be) I guess Emma Watson as Belle is a pretty perfect second choice.
I cannot wait to see this movie!
But this begs the question: Who should play the Beast?
Tell me your favorite Beast in the comments! Are you excited about Emma Watson as Belle in Beauty and the Beast!?