1. Everyone has a romantic past
The stoic, always proper Lady Violet almost RAN OFF with a Russian prince to be his mistress? I admit I would have never thought Violet had it in her to let an emotional affair get that far.
2. Everyone has a (potential) romantic future
Seriously, Lord Merton’s proposal might have been the cutest thing ever.
3. Sometimes, it’s hard to see when someone is the Wrong One
Mary has seen the light, and Tony Gillingham isn’t being illuminated by it.
Tony, however, doesn’t want to exit stage left when Mary gives him his script. Anyone want to place bets? Will he change her mind? Ruin her reputation? Finally give up?
Miss Sarah Bunting continues to shoot herself in the foot with Tom as well. She cannot seem to understand that she isn’t going to get anywhere with him by insulting his in-laws and picking fights with them. I just wish that Tom would suck it up and give her walking orders. I’ve never liked her. Have you?
4. Beware of flirts—and divorces
Cora is either the most naïve woman in England or enjoying her flirtation while she pretends to be. I’m guessing, however, that this one is going to blow up with a bang soon. As long as Lord and Lady Grantham’s marriage doesn’t end, I can’t wait to see where this goes.
Speaking of marriages ending, it look like Rose’s parents are finally going to call their overs. Which has to be really bad if it means they giving up their daughter so she won’t have to suffer the social fall-out with them.
5. When you’re a writer and run out of dramatic material, start accusing everyone of murder.
Now they’re going to investigate Anna? Seriously? Does anyone else hate this storyline? I just want it to end—a few episodes ago.
What were your favorite parts of this episode? Least favorite? Any romance you’re pulling for? Any you want to see murdered?
All images are screencaps from the episode and property of ITV/PBS.