Who saw Guardians of the Galaxy and didn’t have a big dopey grin on their face the entire time? No one, that’s who. However, it is amazing that this minor comic book rag-tag bunch of unlikely heroes was able to be the Marvel movie of the year (except for Captain America 2, that was awesome). I am doubly surprised by the fact that I actually heard of them before but owe my knowledge to netflix and my super hero cartoon addiction.
When you really think about it, the fact that most of America loved a movie about a talking tree and raccoon along with some aliens with apparent vengeance issues is pretty fantastic. Screen Junkies knows how much we just can’t get enough of Marvel and pokes fun of that admiration with their Honest Trailers: Guardians of the Galaxy.
Best Honest Trailer Observations
- “Proving Once and for all, we’ll see anything if you slap Marvel’s name in front of it” Seriously, did I mention the talking raccoon?
- “There’s Captain Starlord from America. The human leader from a different time and place like Captain America” which eventually leads to the crux of the it…
- “What I’m trying to say is that they are the space Avengers” YES, They cracked the code. THIS. This is why we all loved it. It’s the lighter, happier, campier version of earth’s mightiest heroes!
- “Try to figure out why this blue alien isn’t working with this blue alien who’s working for this blue alien to kill this green alien who both want to kill this purple alien, as does this Christmas color alien, but if you get confused, just remember the hero is still the white guy.” I never quite understood of similar color aliens were supposed to be the same race? Ugh, I prefer Klingons, Ferengi, and Vulcans. At least I can sort of identify them by their ears.
- “Remember the worst movie we ever made, Howard the Duck? Stick that after the credits when every is expecting Avengers 2. It will totally eff with our fans and they’ll love it anyways.” It was basically the equivalent of a Marvel dangling something shiny and we get distracted by the glare.
Screen Junkies get it. You can still love something and hold it dear while making fun of obvious ridiculousness. Plus, Chris Pratt is hot.
Did you love Guardians of the Galaxy? What are some of your favorite observations? Did they miss anything?
I am groot.