BUT…there were also a few things that the fans weren’t so happy about, such as a six month hiatus in the middle of the season, going rogue with Claire’s wedding ring, and not controlling Sam’s hair (or his offscreen life).
So in true end of the year fashion, we thought it would be a good idea to take a look back at Outlander’s successes and failures, and provide a list with some New Year’s Resolutions for the production team, Starz, the fans, and us here at TN. So with help from Bekah, Nikki, and Beth, here are some worthy goals for Outlander in 2015.
Goals for the production team:
1. Get SAMMF a new hair stylist. 125 comments on a TN post about Jamie’s hair. Clearly something needs to be done. I won’t rehash it all here, because it’s been done already, but how can it go from looking so good to so bad all within one episode? The King of Men should not have bad hair days.
2. Negotiate a MUCH shorter mid-season break with Starz for Season 2. This 6 month hiatus is total crap. We’re all over it by now.
3. Cast a smokin’ hot Rager Wakefield. I feel like this could be an entire post of its own*. Regardless, the casting has been spot on so far, don’t let us down now!
*Beth Edit: IT WILL BE.
4. Release the audition tapes. We’ve heard so much about how amazing Sam’s audition tape was. I don’t know if this is a resolution for the production team or Starz, but either way
Goals for Starz:
1. More #AskOutlander. I’ll go ahead and admit that Outlander is the reason I lost my twitter virginity. I really had no use for it in my life until I stumbled into the world of Outlander. Once I discovered that just about everyone involved with the making of Outlander was not only on twitter, but active and interacting with fans, I dove headfirst into that wonderful, terrifying world. Whoever decided to let the fans ask the actors, producers and writers questions for an hour each Friday is brilliant. When Graham McTavish answered one of my questions I happy danced in my cubicle for a good 5 minutes.
2. Make replicas of Claire’s clothes and accessories available on the outlander store. It would have been in their best interest to do this before Christmas, but better late than never. Starz, we do not want a t-shirt that says Outlander on it. We want Claire cowls, knit arm warmers, and faux fur coats. Also, if the store would work and not take months to ship orders out, that would be nice.
3. More Tobias. Whether it’s a #AskOutlander or #OutlanderOfferings of photos of Tobias playing with puppies, we need more Tobias. How about a video of Tobias thanking the fans for our patience during the mid season break?
4. Start planning an Outlander / Black Sails crossover event. We will be there!
Goals for the fans:
1. Stop being the big sister babysitter next door to the cast. They’re adults who can choose who they want to be seen in Hollywood pools with and who they want to flirt with and who they have chemistry with. Ron and Tall Ships Prods DO NOT CARE.
2. Be less creepy. It’s hard when Starz posts e-cards like this:
but the questions about what is under Sam’s kilt, the Sam/Cait fiction, the shipping, the stalking of their IRL friends, it all just needs to stop.
3. Have a little faith in the production team. Minus Jamie’s hair they’ve been doing a pretty great job. We don’t need to nitpick every tiny detail of Claire’s ring.
4. READ or WATCH something else, anything else. We have lots of recommendations on our site (Books! TV! Movies!), and it’s not like you are really cheating on Jamie Fraser bc he’s fictional and we are all Laoghaire anyway in his eyes.
Goals for That’s Normal:
1. Get DianaG or a cast member to Hangoutlander with us or Talking Outlander when it starts back up in April. Because booze. And us.
2. For Bekah and Beth to finish/start Book 6, or maybe even Book 7 if Nikki finishes Book 2.
3. We NEED a Tobias selfie. Maybe this can be accomplished at the Outlander / Black Sails crossover event? Either way, it’s time. We will be your hookers, you supply the blow. #Tobiased
So there you have it. Totally achievable goals for the production team, Starz, the fans, and us at That’s Normal. What did we miss? What are your Outlander New Year’s Resolutions?
Written by: Anne
Anne loves: going to the pool, theme parties, doughnuts, Kentucky basketball, pretending to be more in shape than she actually is, vacations, and watching her husband do pull-ups.
Anne recently joined twitter just so she could follow all things Outlander. Follow her @annewarnick