If so. That’s Normal. It is December. We’re Back in it. And… Everything Goes Back to Twilight.
Today’s post is an ode to our beginnings. If you’re new here, or haven’t caught our jokes we make all.the.time, our beginnings are in the Twilight Universe. Nikki and I started a Twilight website called Letters to Twilight back in 2008. Through that we met Jamie, Beth and Elise who were with us when we started That’s Normal. In fact, out of the 17 authors we have on TN, 11 of them we met because of Twilight. (and you thought TN was an Outlander fan site!) Twilight is so intertwined in our lives… everyone seems to get our references; everyone seems to be able to relate something at least once per day to Twilight. Because Everything.. and we mean EVERYTHING… goes back to Twilight.
Here’s the proof:
Be Safe
First once scrawled in calligraphy from Edward to Bella, now said to me before every trip I take by Nikki. Or when texting Tiff and telling her I have to go because it’s time to drive home. Or said to a random friend or family member who ISN’T in the know, with a sly smile… our little secret.. Me + Edward Cullen #EGBTT
In Real life Conversations
I recently had this conversation with a family friend while out to dinner with her teenage daughter:
Daughter: Stephenie Meyer really made me realize how much I wanted to be…
Mom: A vampire?
Daughter: NO! An Author!”‘
I just sat there with a proud look on my face. #EGBTT
Conversations about Emo Friends
Just yesterday Nikki and I were discussing a friend and she said, “Man her moods are giving me whiplash”
Get it? GET IT!? #EBGTT
It doesn’t matter WHERE you are and WHAT you’re doing, if Christina Perri’s A thousands Years comes on the radio, forget about it. Waterworks forever. (Note: I sang this at my dad’s wedding)
And don’t get me started on Iron and Wine’s Flightless Bird, American Mouth. You’re in Starbucks, just trying to order a Grande Soy Latte with 2 shots and half the syrup and triple the foam, and Sam Beam comes over the loudspeaker and you’re transported back to the prom scene. BAM. Tears.
And with every new song from Imagine Dragons, it’s like you’re making a new friend. It’s no matter that they were on a Twilight Soundtrack. Radioactive was on The Host soundtrack and, of course, #EBGTT…..
Fifty Shades of Grey
You remember what the Trailer looked like Right? #EBGTT
Twilight Characters in your other shows
Whether it’s Angela in The Walking Dead:
or Mike Newton in the other Zombie show no one watches:
or Renesemee in Interstellar:
or Esme:
Esmee is in True Detective! #EGBTT
— Maria Cecilia (@MeanieMary) August 20, 2014
#EBGTT Even when it’s NOT Twilight characters in a non-Twilight movie or show, it still makes you think of Twilight. Remember when Beth watched The Leftovers and Justin Thoreoux’s daughter was Bella 3.0 and the twins were werewolves!?
“You are my Life now”
This phrase is a normal part of my vocabulary whether I’m talking about Tobias Menzies
Tobias: you are our life now @TobiasMenzies #tnsdcc #sdcc #outlander #EGBTT @Outlander_Starz pic.twitter.com/zLxSrtG2sq — That’s Normal (@Thats_Normal) July 26, 2014
or my love for … anything: “This cheese pizza is my life now” #EGBTT
These Coke Bottles
Ellie pointed out that the “Share a Coke with…” Campaign has: Edward, Bella, Charlie, Jacob, Alice and Jasper. Someone at Coke has a Twilight addiction. #EGBTT
Pop Culture, everywhere
You might remember Tiff’s famed Snapchat series during her Outlander watch sessions:
#EGBTT. And then there was the Time that Sam Heughan posted the picture of all of those “little bottles”
RT @Thats_Normal: Buttcrack Santa visited SAMMF!!! #EGBTT RT @Heughan: Uh ohhhhh pic.twitter.com/HqjBXIvB7p
— LetterstoTwilight (@letter2twilight) July 14, 2014
#EGBTT. And Beth’s recent observation:
@Thats_Normal to gain his 15 lbs i bet SAMMF carried a cooler of chicken breasts like T-Laut for new moon. #egbtt
— whitdmauk (@turbosauce) September 24, 2014
The Weather
Because we can’t let a rainy day go by without commenting how it’s like “Forks” out there or actually saying the phrase
Under a Near Constant Cover of Clouds and Rain
Or better yet, snapchatting it:
Do you believe me now that everything, everything goes back to Twilight?
How does Twilight still enter your life? Share in the comments! And we want to see your examples online. Use the hashtag #EGBTT
Real quick shout out to Ellie (TWILIGHT FRIEND!) for originally coming up with the phrase!