Ah New Year’s Resolutions: How I LOVE to make you and never think about you again until I sit down to write this annual post. To be honest, I thought of one of my 2014 resolutions often this year every time I left work and swung into CVS to pick up a delicious package of GMO-filled Goldfish crackers. I felt sad about my failture for about one second. Then the salty delicious taste (twss) hit my tongue (twss) and I no longer felt sad. Then about 20 minutes later, bloated and full, I felt terrible again. Let’s jump right in:
2014 Resolutions: How’d I do?
Here it is in case you want to read the whole thing, but in 2014 I resolved to:
- Eat less Goldfish Crackers: The goal was to be healthier but giving up this salty treat I’m addicted to was priority. I can say I ate less in 2014, but I still ate way too many. Dammit. 0
- I want to become a whiskey girl: I am! Gone are the days of ordering a gin and tonic at a cocktail bar. I’ll take the Old Fashioned please. Unless you, bartender, look like you don’t know what you’re doing. Then I’ll have a glass of red. 1
- I want to run a race: UGH. I almost did this one! I was literally going to do the Ugly Christmas Sweater Run in Philly a few weekends ago but it was too cold. So disappointed to have failed here. 0
- I’m going to kill it in my career: DID IT. This is ongoing for sure, but Nikki and I announced a marketing agency we started in late 2013 and we’ve had an AWESOME first year! 1
- I want to go to Italy: Been there, done that got this selfie with St. Peter’s Basilica and these nuns to prove it. 1
Also so proud of this illegal David statue selfie
3 out of 5 isn’t the best. I’m going to do better in 2015. I think.
2015 Resolutions I may or may not keep
I want to write about Philly. I live in a pretty cool city. It’s not by the beach and it’s nothing like New York City, but Philadelphia has a lot to offer. And I want to start telling you guys about it. And then if you visit my city maybe you won’t have to listen to Trip Advisor and get stuck eating a cheesesteak with questionable meat and remembering your visit with 3 day diarrhea.
I want to start a Philly Supper club. I took this photo when I was out the other day and joked about the hard life of a food blogger which led to a comment thread in which I asked a few friends to join me in my quest to start a Philly Supper Club. This resolution is somewhat related to my first resolution as there is no way in hell I’d go out to dinner with a bunch of people at some of Philly’s best spots and not tell you about it. Don’t you worry. My friends have me awkwardly perching over our dinner table in order to get the best shot to look forward to. Don’t you dare drink that wine until I photograph it!
Being a food blogger is hard guys. Cheese & drinks from La Calombe
A photo posted by Bekah Buttons (@bekahbuttons) on
I will visit my sister in Costa Rica. My sister Rachael (you may know her from her fine pieces like Juan Pablo, is he a douche? and What to Do if you don’t want to go out with him again) is moving to Costa Rica in January to work as the program director for Abriendo Mentes. She’ll be gone for at least a year. Again. She’s the most transient in my family- she studied abroad in Spain in college and I did not visit her. She lived in Bolivia for a few months and I did not visit her. And she lived in Costa Rica a few years ago where I also did not visit her. THIS YEAR I WILL VISIT HER. There. It’s official
I will run a race. Yep. This is back on the list for 2015. I have been running A LOT (A lot for me. I ran 4 miles the other day just because it was 55 degrees on December 28th!) but I haven’t yet run with another soul. I’m too scared to make it a resolution because I’ll most likely fail, but my neighborhood has a running club that meets every Thursday night. They run anywhere from 3-5 miles to an area bar and then drink together. Maybe I’ll get up the nerve for 2016.
I want to network better. I wrote a post in 2014 wishing for a Tinder for Friendships which actually brought me A NEW IN REAL LIFE FRIEND (holla Bethany) and a potential new friend (Hey girl who messaged me a few weeks ago! Write me back! Let’s do this!). Meeting Bethany (who loves Outlander, Mexican food, fits into my clothes and literally lives* 1/2 block from my house) made me wonder how many others are out there in my little city who I would connect with but just haven’t met. Probably tons. So I want to start networking. And I think The Hive might be the place to start. They are “A Co-Working space for Ambition Women.” Someone virtually hold my hand because I might venture to one of their events alone!
That does it for me. What are your 2015 resolutions you probably won’t keep?!
*because I can’t even lie in blog posts, she used to live 1/2 block from me. I moved after we met