This Supernatural recap opens during funeral preparations of heiress Bunny La Croix. The butler is briefing the maids, Collette and Olivia, to prepare for the La Croix family reunion and reading of the will. But… uh-oh! One of the maids gets offed by old lady Bunny herself.
We catch up with our boys over a cup of ‘Glazed Donut’ coffee…individually brewed. While cleaning his car, Dean finds one of Bobby’s old burner phones. There’s a voicemail saying Bobby was named in Bunny’s will. In search of some beer money, the boys head off to the La Croix mansion where they meet the “grieving” family.
The butler gives Dean and Sam a mysterious necklace and sends them on their way. The necklace turns out to be a key. A key to what, I wonder? Meanwhile, another La Croix bites the dust, this time at the hands of Bunny’s husband…also presumed dead.
Sam and Dean return just in time to become suspects in the double homicide. After the family cries “Ghost!” to the authorities, our brothers decide they have their own case to work. Sam, being the people person of the pair, begins questioning the family while Dean searches the house. After spotting a book that matches the key…
He finds a secret room complete with lead pipe, hangman’s noose, scary stuffed dogs, ancient TV and, oh yeah, a dead body! He also finds Olivia, who apparently was locked up by the butler. Of course… the butler did it!
Or did he?
The Winchesters quickly realize they aren’t fighting ghosts, but a shape shifter. In an attempt to find the monster, they arm themselves with silverware. Shape shifters hate silverware. Now all they have to do is touch every member of the La Croix family with butter knives. Sam doesn’t have any problems.
But the tables turn when Dash La Croix blames the Winchesters.
With Sam and Dean locked away, the maid Olivia makes her move. She’s the shape shifter!
Turns out Bunny had an affair with Olivia’s shape shifting dad– Olivia was born– and subsequently hidden away in the attic her whole life. To add insult to injury, Bobby killed her dad, which is why she hates Sam and Dean too. After escaping, Sam and Dean corner Olivia in the kitchen and…
Hopes and Fears
From the Clue whodunnit? format to the goofy private investigator music to the return to classic monster mystery, I really loved this episode. It made me laugh and I honestly had no idea who was the shape shifter until just before the reveal.
But this episode also proved Dean is not finished with the Mark of Cain. When Sam questioned him on it, the bromance was quickly stifled.
Will we resolve the Cain dilemma before the fall finale or will my worst fears be realized and the writers drag it out the entire season?
Supernatural airs Tuesdays 9/8c on the CW
What did you think of the Clue-tastic episode? Shout out in the comments section!