For our first Hangoutlander, we got together to discuss one of the greatest literary questions of all time:
For a refresher, JAMMF is Jamie Fraser, and Shura is Alexander Belov from The Bronze Horseman.
If you haven’t finished either Outlander or The Bronze Horseman, then beware that this hangout is full of spoilers. But otherwise, JUMP IN. Because you know you need to know who is — totally, officially, scientifically — better.
Let’s Recap:
0:28 Meet our panel: Nikki, Amanda, Erin and Beth
2:55 “existential crises in my bikini” = Beth’s experience with The Bronze Horseman
5:11 Sidenote: Erin tells us what HorseNation is.
Let’s Get the Preliminaries Out of the way
6:47 Which book do you like better?
8:23 Who do you prefer between the girls, Claire or Tatiana? (and listen to Beth say “ASSentially”)
The Main Event
10:27 Pros and Cons, JAMMF vs Shura
1. Who gives the better nicknames to his woman?
Highlight: Shura is always pissed when he says, “Tatia.”
Winner: JAMMF
2. Who do you want more: The 22-year-old Virgin, or the 22-year-old ManWhore?
Highlight: Beth calls on the peanut gallery (twitter) so her guy wins.
Highlight: There is 500 pages of foreplay in TBH.
Winner (rigged): Shura
3. Who would win in a bear fight?
Highlight: “Isn’t Jamie really hairy, thought … like a bear?” Nikki tries to take this to the dirty place.
Except Ashley already went there.
Winner: JAMMF
4. Who is hotter?
Highlight: Beth realizes Paullina Simmons like never really describes Shura.
Highlight: “Shura is very … hard.”
Highlight: “At least his mouth tasted like an ashtray instead of like, a dirty sock.”
Winner: SHURA
5. Who would win a fistfight?
Highlight: “Jamie strikes me as altogether physically more capable of mayhem.”
Highlight: “Doesn’t Jamie take on five guys at once?” TWHS.
Winner: JAMMF
**Sidenote: Who do we dreamcast as Alexander?
Answer: No one. We don’t know.
6. Waterweed or Potato Shelf?
Highlight: It’s like a place to put their potatoes aaaaaaand their potatoes.
Winner: SHURA
7. Who is ultimately the better lover (not just sexually)?
Highlight: Alexander’s gifts have strings attached.
Highlight: Beth takes over. Big surprise.
Highlight: The Dasha Problem. Oh, Shura.
Winner: JAMMF
Outlander Gossip
41:43 What’s up with Roger and other casting?
44:28 Tobias’ One Man Play is gonna be the hotness
46:23 Caitriona’s in a “play”
46:52 Sam can be found all over the douchey areas of LA
49:23 Apparently, we are getting AT LEAST 10 books in the main Outlander series.
54:54 Hangoutlander: Auditions is coming sooooon.
Whew. We answered a time-worn classic book boyfriend battle AND tackled all the Outlander gossip you’re ears have been burning about. That was quite a night.