Okay so that title was misleading. In the marketing world, we call that click-baiting. And you’re here right? SO IT WORKED.
But we are writing for an important reason today, and that is that we hear SOME of you are not on various forms of social media that we use here at TN HQ and therefore have missed our epic #Blurtlander Social Shareables. {Like Instagram and Pinterest}
Let’s fix that.
We didn’t do this every week, but here are our favorite #Blurtlander one-liners with links to the posts they reference for you to waste your time with re-reading again today.
See that new pinterest button that pops out when you hover over an image {If you’re using Google Chrome, which you should be}? Oh yeah, you can PIN this shit along with your bathroom ideas and snacks for your next kid’s birthday party you for sure will never actually do:
Episode 103: The Way Out
#blurtlander asks ALL the important questions http://t.co/kc8RYH0SDm http://t.co/7yMFsiHoEa
— That’s Normal (@Thats_Normal) August 27, 2014
Episode 104: The Gathering
Episode 105: Rent
Episode 106: The Garrison Commander
#Blurtlander went missing
Of course we can’t forget HOW LONG it took for #Blurtlander to get his shit together & give us his thoughts on the last episode…. We even put these flyers up around town:
Episode 108: Both Sides Now
Oh Blurtlander.. what would we have done without you for those 8 episodes?
And while you clearly don’t remember the gestation of the two children you helped bring into this world, we agree… April Effing 4th man…. we’re not sure how we’ll survive.
He’ll be Back.
He’s just resting for now… prepping to break the internet with his #Blurtlanderisms of 2015.
Never change, #Blurtlander! Ask that hot little wife of yours to buy you a used wave runner off Craigslist as a token of our appreciation
Catch up on ALL The #Blurtlander from 2014
Are you following us o all the socials? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, G+ ? DO IT DO IT!