Fact: Audiobooks saved my life.
Well, if you think about me possibly going crazy in a car for nearly 2 plus hours each day on my commute, then yes, Audiobooks keep me sane and in fact, saved my life. I have become addicted to downloading the ebook version of whatever YA/NA/Fiction/Mystery novel I’m reading and then for only an additioanl $3-$4, downloading the audiobook. Magical technology from the mystic land of Amazon syncs my ebook reading and my audiobook listening from Audible. It’s pretty dang fantastic. I have been doing this for nearly 1.5 years and have yet to come on this site preaching the wonders of an audiobook…until now. Stop whatever it is you are doing and immediately download Amy Poehler’s Yes Please Audiobook.
If you love Amy from Saturday Night Live, Parks and Rec, being 1/2 of the amazing Golden Globe hosting duo with Tina Fey, or just generally being an amazing guest on late night talk shows, you will want to read/listen to this book. I’m sure that reading the book itself is a fantastic voyage. I did check in out in hard copy and will eventually buy. However, there is something quite spectacular about hearing Amy’s stories, life advice, fake advice, and funny antidotes in her own voice. That alone should sell you on why you need to hear her read Yes Please, plus all the manical laughter that will inevitably happen as you read.
Bonus Reasons to listen to the Yes Please audiobook:
- When Amy needs to get serious, Kathleen Turner reads from the book
- Guests read chapters including her bestie, Seth Meyers
- Captain Picard, yes PATRICK STEWART, reads a haiku
- There’s even a live chapter performed at the UCB LA chapter
As different guests come in to perform, she has a little banter with them in the recording booth. I’m fairly certain this does not exist in the written book. You are getting extra material that surely will make you smile and perhaps do a little happy dance.
If you listen to one piece of advice/recommendation for me this year, it should be to download/borrow/buy the audiobook for Yes Please. I mean, this will be the closest us plebeians will ever get to sitting in George Clooney’s lap. For reals.
Will you join me on the Amy Poehler’s Yes Please Audiobook wild ride? What’s your favorite Audiobook?
(Hint, you can sign up for a free Audible 30 day trial and start with this book!)