Our boys have sure hit the ground running this year! Here are my Top 10 moments from the season 10 premiere of Supernatural.
10. ‘Heartbreaker’ by Pat Benatar as the Road So Far soundtrack.
The music of Supernatural almost always nails it and this choice was no exception. I have a feeling Deanmon is going to break all our hearts this season … in more ways than one.
9. Cas’s awkwardness meter.
“I’m sensing awkwardness” should be Cas’s catchphrase. There needs to be merchandise. Jensen Ackles had something to say about this scene –
8. Sam’s spiral into madness.
Historically, Sam does not do well without his brother. I mean, sure, he had the veterinarian and her adorable dog in season 8, but when Dean found out about that he was really angry. Sam is leaving no stone unturned and no demon unganked this time around. He wants his big brother.
7. Crowley’s one-liners.
“Does the tin man have a sheet metal willy?” Crowley speaks the truth, and he does so with style.
6. I have hope because he still has good intentions.
So the local bar fly occupying Dean’s time has a jealous ex-boyfriend? Well, Deanmon took care of that.
5. Deanmon’s porn priorities.
When Sam finally catches up with his wayward big brother, it’s via a gas station security camera. We get to witness a brutal demon slaying (albeit in self defense), in between Deanmon checking out the “Adult Literature.”
4. Deanmon’s amaze-balls karaoke routines.
I don’t know how to express how giddy I get when Jensen Ackles sings. I don’t care if it’s good, bad or ugly. I just want Jensen to sing.
3. Gas station guy’s enthusiasm.
I fell in love with this one-off character. When grilled on why he didn’t get more information about Dean during his “code brown moment” he simply said, “Did I conduct a field interview? No.” This is how normal people react to things the Winchesters do.
2. The new mysterious stranger.
This guy is dropping lines about how he knew Dean a long time ago, and how Dean “used to be a monster.” Color me intrigued, I’m already anticipating a huge showdown between him and Dean.
1. Sam and Dean are so close and yet so far.
Dark Stranger finally reconnects our boys and Sam can’t bear to say a word. It was so sad and Deanmon’s response (abandoning his brother to Dark Stranger) stung like a bitch. #emotions
Hopes & Fears
This season could be epic, you guys. The most interesting thing about it is that Dean appears to be actively choosing to live as Deanmon. Whenever the boys have done bad things in prior seasons, it was usually out of dire need or demonic/angelic possession. This situation is a whole new bag of beans. But … the magic of Supernatural for me comes solely from the brotherly love. At the end of the day all the other characters, Crowley and Cas included, are optional. I am very afraid that our boys are going to spend the first half of this season apart. To quote Dean from Season 9 when faced with his brother’s death, “There ain’t no me if there ain’t no you.”
Supernatural airs Tuesdays 9/8c on the CW
What did you think of the Season 10 premiere? Shout out in the comments section!