As I was watching last night’s episode, around the halfway mark, I wrote in my notes, “so, so confused….again”. Everyone was trying to kill everyone and blame the guy standing next to him, or not next to him. Didn’t matter. Framing people is the name of the game and it reminded me of one of my favourite childhood games, Clue. So, here is my review of the episode in Clue format.
Possible Scenarios:
1. My title – Juice, with Abel’s hammer, in the woods. Who else is so over Juice on the run? Juice has clearly gone off his meds and is eating chocolate bars and shooting rando’s in the head. Gemma, why the hell did you not just shoot him and dump him on the side of the road when he was sleeping? Next week’s title is going to be – Juice Better Die This Week
2. Tiggy, with the flute, in Venus’ condo – Who else but Tiggy could make a rat squeal with the mere suggestion of a flute up his ass? I am so curious to see where Tig’s storyline goes from here. All signs point to him and Venus as a real thing. In the meantime, the use of musical instruments as torture devices made this musician really happy!
3. Chibs, with his big gun, in the bedroom – Well, I can’t take back the vision of Chibs in a towel wearing nothing on top but a left over souvenir from his last Thai vacation/massage. It appears Jarry likes the Chibinator. And his gun. Or does she? I feel like she is going to be a huge manipulator in this or else she too is going down in a ball of Chubsy flames.
4. Abel, with the hammer, in the porn studio – nothing says quality parenting, like 2 little kids in a porn studio, sleeping on a bed used as a prop a few hours ago. Those kids are going to pick up more than lice from those sheets. I hate the way that Jax is turning Abel into a mini MC pres. And how he completely ignores Thomas who must reflect Tara back to him more than Abel. It makes me laugh that Wendy has come full circle and is now the most responsible parent in the porn studio. The show has gotten so violent I was sure Abel was going to pop someone’s kneecap with that hammer and was sadly disappointed when he didn’t do it to Gramma. It’s Hammer Time!
5. Nero with the heroin man purse, in the empty warehouse – When the Chinese shot up the warehouse door and the door lifts to show us just the heroin murse sitting there, my friend made a comment, “I think the heroin is dead”. I cracked up. That heroin has been tossed around just like the whores at Dioso and blamed for just as many deaths. And while we’re on the topic of Nero, let’s spend a day in the life of his cardi this week. Nero is pissed at Jax, looking around at all the death that Jax has created around him. Heads out to freak out on Barofsky and gets jumped by the Chinese. Arms in the air, we suddenly see Nero needs to devote more time to grooming as the pit stains are as big as cantaloupes and probably smell like he hasn’t used deodorant in weeks. He’s been too busy trying to believe the lies Gemma has been feeding him I suppose. I love Nero, I hate his cardi’s and I loved him in this episode. Jimmy Smits is amazing as always. He is going to kill someone soon, and I hope her name is Gemma. Or Chib’s heroin murse.
6. Bobby Elvis, with a cheeseburger heart attack, in the drive thru – that’s all I want to say. I think his gut has tripled from episode 4.
7. Jax, with a cigarette, in Charming, Stockton, Oakland, his house, your house, the Chinese restaurant down the street, the porn studio….I think you get my point. If you don’t smoke on this show, you’re still going to die. Second hand smoke cancer is a real thing Samcro. I think the cigs should get their own credit in the opening. They can also prove to be useful as torture devices but I think Jax and Gemma are going to fall over in a cancerous heap on top of each other by the end. Or he beats her to death with a toy ukulele. That was awesome too.
So, who do you think did is going to die next week? How? How long until Juice either shoots Gemma or himself, or his imaginary friend? I can’t wait to see who the winner is in this game!
Written by Holly
Holly’s current obsessions: Sons of Anarchy, writing erotic fiction, reading erotic fiction, Diet Pepsi, horses, singing in the shower, live music, listening to music, while running on the treadmill, while creating characters needed for my erotic fiction, while drinking Diet Pepsi and possibly riding a horse.
In my spare time, I write novels, parent 2 young children and a husband, obsess over various novels and television characters. I hail from Canada and end every sentence with the word, eh? I also might live in an igloo and put maple syrup on everything I eat. Follow me on twitter @Mortimerreads