Thank God for good friends because this movie changed my life.
That might be a bit dramatic, but I felt so happy after watching it. Talking to my husband that night, I told him he had to watch this movie, and that in the future, whenever I’m upset, if he would just watch Pitch Perfect with me, all would be right in the world. He even picked up on my not so subtle hints and got me my very own copy for Valentine’s Day!
So the following weekend we watched it together. And he loved it too! He thought it was hilarious. This is a man who is not a fan of the chick flick.
I made it my mission in life to make sure that anyone who had not yet seen this fantastic work of film do so immediately. Soon, I had the songs and dances memorized, and was quoting it in my daily life.
Recently, filming of Pitch Perfect 2 has wrapped. The sequel will follow our favorite characters during their senior year of college. This makes me all sorts of happy! In honor of the impending joy this movie will bring to our lives in 2015, here is a list, in gifs of course, of things we’re really excited for in Pitch Perfect 2.
More Quotes to add to our everyday vocabulary.
Pitch Perfect quotes are still a part of my day to day vocabulary. When a simple “no” will not suffice, I will answer you with a…
Becca and Jessie
They finally got together in the last 30 seconds of the first movie. Here’s hoping they’re still going strong in the sequel.
More Bumper Allen…arguably one of the funniest characters in the movie.
I mean, the guy has his own sport sandal line. According to IMDb, he is listed as a cast member for the sequel!
The ridiculous banter between Gail and John
Everything about them is so right.
More awesome mashups and great dance routines to learn
New quirky characters to love
Seriously…who comes up with this stuff?
So there you have it, six reasons, and honestly, we could list so many more, that we can’t wait for Pitch Perfect 2.
Pitch Perfect 2 comes out in May, 2015 (SO LONG) What are you looking forward to in this sequel?
Written by Anne
Anne loves: going to the pool, theme parties, doughnuts, Kentucky basketball, pretending to be more in shape than she actually is, vacations, and watching her husband do pull-ups.
Anne recently joined twitter just so she could follow all things Outlander. Follow her @annewarnick