Gone Girl Movie Review
{Spoiler Free}
1. Can we talk about how odd it was to see Ben Affleck wearing St Louis Cardinals attire? It’s like me wearing a Denver Broncos shirt or a St Louis Cardinals shirt. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Ever.
2. Thank you Gillian Flynn for Margo. Her humor carries over from the book and provides some much-needed laughs. I want a Margo to provide comic relief in my life.
3. Missouran/Missourian. It was nice to know that Missouri was not represented with a bunch of backwoods hillbillies. However I think half of the theater gasped at Rosamund Pike’s pronunciation Miz-ur-an and half of them were most likely from Kansas. I think that the entire country needs a refresher on what the name of this state is. If you can’t pronounce it please find a dictionary.
4. Honorable mention: Stuart Minkus. Hi Lee Norris. What are you doing in this movie? Gone Girl is a far cry from John Adams High.
5. As an adaptation, this has to be one of my favorite books to movies. They did a decent job sticking with the plot points and covering everything that needed to be shown. They made some changes for impact and you won’t be able to miss those. I really wish that I could discuss those changes more but I am still traumatized and want to save you spoilers so that you too can feel as if you might need a therapist.
Have you made your way to the theater to see Gone Girl yet? What surprised you most? Did you by chance develop a healthy fear of tighty whities and women with soft voices like I did? Tell us in the comments