While we were at Comic Con last weekend we got the opportunity to interview the cast from That’s Normal TV favorite: Black Sails. But before we get there, let me set the glorious scene for you.
Picture your two trusty TN leaders, Bekah and me (Nikki) setting their alarms, rising early to hit the bagel shop for coffee and sustenance before we hit the train. Turns out we took the street WITHOUT the bagel and coffee place. This really should have been a sign. We lumber on to the subway with plenty of time to spare and after waiting at least 20 minutes begin to wonder if the train will ever show. Frantically looking at our watches we decide it’s time to call our best friend: Uber. We jump in the back of Rasheed’s black Toyota Camry Hybrid and tell him: TO THE JAVITZ CENTER! And step on it! We speed towards the Washington Bridge only to find out it’s been closed minutes before because of an accident. Poor Rasheed turns south to try another bridge as we crawl along with all the other people trying, no doubt, to get to Comic Con because they had some pirates to interview too. Who doesn’t? Over an hour and a half of travel time later in a dead lock of traffic we jump out of the Camry Hybrid to make a run for the Javits and hope to make at least part of the interview. Oh and did I tell you during all this it was pouring rain? IT WAS. The Pirate gods must have been with us because we ran in just in time for me to join the (already started) first round of interviews with TN favorites Jessica Parker Kennedy (Max) and Luke Arnold (John Silver) so no video of them but you can enjoy this nice picture of them laughing about something. Probably my rain soaked ensemble.
Then it was time for producers and creators Robert Levine and Jonathan Steinberg. Though they were very interesting, battery is of the essence and honestly I was super weirded out by how much Robert Levine looks like Jon Snow’s studious, older brother.
The other odd thing was that a journalist at my table, beside being a question hog (THE WORST), asked the actors to take a super awkward posed pic for his point and shoot camera. You can see Robert and Jonathan posing for him above while Hannah New and Toby Stephens awkwardly mill about in the background. HEY GUYS THIS PIC’LL ONLY TAKE A SEC!
Then it was time for the Captain himself and the HBIC, “Head Bitch In Charge” for those not in the know: Capt. Flint and Eleanor Guthrie.
Besides ol question hog, hogging all the question time I spent most of the interview being a little scared of Toby Stephens. He IS Capt. Flint and all I could think about was him breaking my neck or throwing me overboard and killing me right then and there like he’s done to half his crew. ALSO I couldn’t stop thinking about how his mom is the Dowager Countess and how I never saw it till he sat down and it was like a murderous Capt Maggie Smith pirate in a nice blue suit was sitting across from me.
Anyway, I finally got tired of the question hog and jumped in to ask Hannah New about Eleanor’s relationship with Max and if she was just in a lezzzbehonest phase. No really, I did. In ya know, classier terms. You can skip to near the end if you want to hear my voice. YOU DO.
Behold the Dowager and Kiera Knightley’s twin:
Somewhere in the background Every Rose Has It’s Thorn must have been playing because it was time for Zach McGowan and Toby Schmitz. Yes, this show has TWO Toby’s. That must be a record that nobodies kept ever.
Honestly for like four seconds I was super confused about who Toby Schmitz was, could he be a producer, or maybe some new pirate in season 2? Oh wait, he’s just one of my favorite characters on the show: Jack Rackham sans mullet wig, boyband-esque facial hair and his badass partner Anne Bonny. Speaking of Anne Bonny aka Clara Paget aka the potential to be one of the best characters on Black Sails, WHERE WAS SHE?? I’m worried. Y’all.
Honestly, you need you need to open this image in a new tab and enjoy all the batshit crazy that is Toby’s costume. The “sunglasses” are still my favorite.
These two are my old and new favorites for turning the super awkward seated posed picture for the question hog into this gem: “We’re just two wild and crazy guys!!”
Cut to the panel where we were treated to both the news of an already confirmed Season THREE!!! PLUS a new Black Sails Season 2 trailer here:
You can watch the entire panel plus a super cute vid of the cast at NYCC on the Starz YouTube wherein they sing the theme song to Black Sails. You know you’ve done it.
The panel also featured this budding bromance. It’s cool guys, we get it. Just let us in on it. AMIRIGHT?!?!?!?!
Ok, who’s watching this show with us? We’re super pumped for Black Sails season 2 and promise lots of coverage and news. Stick with us… or I’ll sick Capt Dowager Countess on you.
Black Sails season 2 premieres on Starz January 24th.