Commenter of the Week
We couldn’t narrow down our favorite this week, so we are bringing you a few commenters. And yes, it’s true, one of these comments is from last week, but symanetics. Back in September, Lorena wrote a post about the new Vampire Diaries Season 6 trailer which brought out the following two commenters and our winners of this week’s non-competition:
Why we picked “Bob”:
Am now a powerful man and no one step on me without an apology goes free
Why we picked Erianna:
I got a guy from the internet called Akrim who was a VAMPIRE…. I got the blood ample through the DHL
Bonus Commenter
With a BONUS comment on a Vampire Diaries post from 2013
Why we love Jay:
But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things
Normally we woudln’t share commenters e-mail addresses with the whole wide TN-reading world, but we thought it was a public service that today, on Halloween, we should share this info. for any of you would-be vampires among us.
Happy Halloween and congrats to “Bob”, Erianna and Jay for winning our first “Commenter of the Week” non-competition!