So, even though Outlander is on its six month hellatus, news about the second half of the season is already trickling its way into our twitter feeds.
If you have somehow missed this news, and don’t want to know anything about the upcoming season, then look away. But then again, why did you click on a post entitled Outlander spoilers???
This bit of news came down the pipe yesterday through none other than DianaG Herself, thanks to the SuperComputer, Compuserve. But I saw it on my twitter feed, thanks to by buddy Linda.
Yes, you read that right. JAMIE EFFING FRASER POV/VOICEOVER.
Like I said above, you’ve probably heard this news already since everyone was talking about it last night, but what you haven’t heard is our reaction to it.
Nikki: Yaaaaayyyyy!!!!! It’s like Diana is watching Talking Outlander or something. We talked about Jamie development for most of the show on Sunday.
Beth: God, why does that sound like the BEST freaking idea of all time?????
Elise: Haha still hilarious that it’s not LESS voiceover, which was the point … just a different POV
Nikki: It’s a fan-damn-tactic idea! Good way to endear and audience to him. And more scottish accent for us!!!
Beth: Plus Jamie POV!!! It will be the hotness. OMG!.
I think we’ve all learned a valuable lesson today. Even when we think someone’s character development somehow started to lag in the last couple of episodes, the sun will come out in the person of James, or in this case, FREAKING JAMIE VOICE OVERS THAT WILL SPUR ALL OUR HEARTS INTO ATRIAL FIBRILLATION.
Lesson learned. From now on I will calm my tits.
Thank you, Diana. Keep giving us spoilers all you want.
And if you haven’t seen it yet, feel free to dissect this tease of a tease of episode 9.
Thoughts on the most excellent bit of news? JAMIE WILL BE TALKING TO US. I CANNOT EVEN.