One of the surprising finds during this summer hiatus on TV is Finding Carter on MTV. Somewhere between the rippling muscles of Teen Wolf and the trashy exploits of their Teen Moms, MTV sneaked in this emotionally honest show about a teenager whose life just got yanked out from under her.
Carter, played by Kathryn Prescott, is a bit of a wild teen super closer to her mother. Suddenly she discovers her mother isn’t really her mother but her kidnapper. She is immediately taken away to her bio family, who are complete strangers. They hate the woman that took her away, but for Carter, she is her best friend and all she knows.
Even more of a shock is learning Carter has a twin sister! While I personally would have loved to seen this play out Orphan Black style, the show makes her twin fraternal. Stuck on this dynamic, I asked the actress on a twitter Q&A about this subject.
.@ThisCityGirl It would be a different story bc as soon as she saw her twin she would be like ‘oh, right, this is my family.’-@katprescott77
— Finding Carter (@finding_carter) August 5, 2014
Despite having a new family that wants to reconnect, Carter feels driven to find the mother that she knows — even if she did kidnap her all those years ago. As a viewer, you want Carter to connect with her twin, Taylor. It’s not just Carter suffering, but an entire family. Taylor grew up in a family where they lived in fear in heartbreak. Even the youngest brother, born after his older sister was taken, feels like the replacement child.
Join me in the frustrating, but emotionally rewarding journey with a family on the brink of losing it all. Seeing the family slowly warm up to one another is heart-warming. Carter, ruled by intense emotions doesn’t always make the best decisions, but what would be the fun in watching if she did?
Check out your MTV on demand, or Hulu plus for back episodes. The season finale takes place September 16.
Are you watching Finding Carter?