If you didn’t watch, and don’t want to be spoiled, then don’t read anymore because we’re going to talk all about the previously unseen footage, look for any of the hints we picked up from Doug and reveal the couples answers. Did they stay married?
Final Days
I’m not going to go through each detail as a lot was recapping which we already did but a few key highlights and then the big decision.
So, together time in the last few hours of the couples together. It looks like Monet and Vaughn are making an effort but is it too little too late? Love that Cortney is not a psycho but says she’ll keep Jason as family whether he wants it or not, she’s going to punch him in the face. So funny! And then Doug & Jamie getting ready and dealing with the weight of their decision.
As I was watching with my roommate Mande we realized while stressful, how therapeutic this show has been. In each of the couples we could see aspects of our own past relationships. Boyfriends who struggled with commitment, relationships close to marriage but failed. It was a therapy session in it’s own right. As Monet said:
I can’t believe this is the final episode. my 1 wish is that the viewers havlearned somethg by watchg our stories #MarriedAtFirstSight
— Monet (@monet_iam) September 9, 2014
So the last night of the experiment the deep discussions. We know from Doug that they didn’t know each others answer before going in. They talked about it as we saw and Doug said it was implied. I wonder if that was part of the show, not knowing what your partners response was going to be.
Decision Day
Meeting with the experts and sharing their choice. This overwhelming experiment, the feelings, giving marriage a shot and what it takes to make a marriage work. The relationship is in their hands now and they get to decide where they go from here.
Doug & Jamie
Understanding that Jamie has some issues to deal with and hoping she’ll stay open, try to be trusting and give Doug a chance to fall in love. We knew Doug was in and he’d say yes… but the editing that makes Jamie take so stinking long is killing me! Jamie’s right – How is Doug so calm i’m dying!
Most men wouldve ran away w all my insecurities & flaws but this man chose to stay by my side. #MarriedAtFirstSight pic.twitter.com/MrwVSj0ZjY — Jamie N. Otis (@jamienotis) September 10, 2014

Guess who’s coming out of the closet as a Married Couple??? And I couldn’t be happier to call Jamie Otis my WIFE! Thanks to all of the experts, and the continued support from my family and friends – And definitely everyone that followed our journey on #marriedatfirstsight @FYI
PS How cute are Doug’s parents? I hope this lasts. I hope Jamie can break that cycle of fear and become the relationship that wants and that example to her siblings. I know it’s easier said than done but Doug and his family are going to be great models of love and marriage sticking it out. I loved when Doug’s mom said her heart still skips a beat when his father comes home. love lasts. can only hope it’s indeed lots of babies next for these two!
Monet & Vaughn
Were Monet & Vaughn too compatible? Their body language throws me off, how they are sitting, Will they? Won’t they? Will they surprise us all?
Sadly, this couple chose to go their separate ways. But we’ve learned much from them. Was the relationship built too much on sex and not foundation that Vaughn felt the marriage needed? They seemed to end on a good note, are they still friends or rather are they still hooking up?
Cortney & Jason
We know Cortney is in this, her confessional made me tear up earlier in the show. Let’s just hope Jason can get through the walls he’s put up and give this a shot. If you thought Jamie’s response was too long, we would have turned blue if we were holding our breath through that commercial break! Sheesh Drama Jason!
Yo @KortKneee_Rae we did it! #MarriedAtFirstSight @FYI pic.twitter.com/yFm3Q67bUy
— Jason Carrion (@Kr0ss) September 10, 2014
“Happiness is a risk. If you’re not a little scared, then you’re not doing it right” #MarriedAtFirstSight @FYI — Jason Carrion (@Kr0ss) September 10, 2014
And they too, are staying together!
Final Thoughts
Is the experiment a success? 2 out of 3 ain’t bad… but the bigger question is, what i found out in the commercials… we have an “after the rose” i mean wait… wrong show… Six months later! Are they still married?
Fooled half America when We stayed married! See us 6 mo later on @FYI w @KevinFrazier nxt wk!#MarriedAtFirstSight pic.twitter.com/IXf7wPSDo0
— Jamie N. Otis (@jamienotis) September 10, 2014
Just by being on the show they beat other short lived marriages: Dennis Rodman & Carmen Electra and Mario Lopez & Ali Landry. But if Jason & Cortney and Doug & Jamie are still married, they lasted longer tha Kim Kardashian & Kris Humphries, Nicolas Cage & Lisa Marie Presley, and Pamela Anderson & Kid Rock.
We have one more ep to dish and recap. We’ll see you next week when we find out what’s up!
Really blurry screencaps/photos of her TV by Emily unless tweets from the cast/Doug’s Facebook page