I cannot believe we’ve reached the end of the experiment on Married at First Sight. I’m sure our couples can’t either! Next week we find out if anyone stays together. In our poll last week, Doug and Jamie came out on top! Jamie was glad to see everyone rooting for her and Doug.
I’ve rebounded from all of the conflict chaos that was last weeks episode and the hopeless romantic in me is glad to see each couple have a last ditch chance at romance this week.
Cortney & Jason
Making time for each other can be difficult and we understand that Fire Academy will take up a significant chunk of time in Jason and Cortney’s relationship. So how does Cortney make time for the two of them? Two Words… Jazz hands… Cortney volunteers Jason to dance with her burlesque group! I literally LOL’d! And he was really great at it! Next thing you know Cortney is going to be a ring girl at one of Jason’s matches!
Doug & Jamie
Dr. Joesph gave Doug and Jamie some homework to help transition through the “lie we must talk about.” Should we just call it Voldemort’s Lie? The homework was to write down all the things they have done that may have hurt frustrated or disappointed each other. I can only imagine how much this exercise would help many couples take responsibility for a lot of actions. How many things are taken out of context and are misconstrued? I am certain we only got the “pertinent” bullets but I’m sure there was more.
Vaughn & Monet
If you recall, last week’s homework for Monet and Vaughn was to write letters of apology to each other. I don’t know how much of the letter they read out loud because from my point of view, what I heard, the letters were the absolute bare minimum of what an apology letter would cover. It looks like they both did take it seriously and hopefully there was more to this exercise. Vaughn mentions short and sweet about Monet’s letter but I must say Vaughn’s letter was completely sincere. Truly from the heart. They both accept each others apologies and try to make the best of the last week together. I still don’t know with these two! I want everyone to be happy and I want love to win, but I think these two may not make it.
Dr. Greg Epstein
Each of the couples meet with Dr. Greg Epstein, the spiritual advisor of the experts. He is the Humanist Chaplain at Harvard University. The discussion is not specifically spiritual in nature, but rather how to fight for romance and to succeed as a married couple. He challenges each couple to be romantic.
Dog Park Discussions
Doug and Jamie take Lady to the dog park and get down to some serious talking. How many kids, type of house, attitudes towards marriage. We know that Doug is going to chose to stay married but we’re still unsure of Jamie’s thoughts? Doug is worried that Jamie’s timeline of “falling in love” will interfere and the trust issues.
Sunset Cruise
Cortney and Jason go on the sunset dinner cruise around NYC. Jason says he’s not romantic but he totally is! They get to the deep talking about schedules and getting to know each other. Jason is opening but you can tell there is something that has happened that causes him to clam up. His attitude towards marriage doesn’t scare me, it’s his fear of opening up to Cortney. Some big issues to get past in order to make this relationship work!
Defining Traditional Roles
Did Monet get what she asked for? Or is it chauvinistic to have traditional roles? This was a difficult discussion I can tell. From wanting traditional roles and expecting dinner to be made. Again, I don’t know what to do with these two, but I hope something comes from their positive discussions. Dr. Epstien encourages them to go on a first date. To be romantic.
Jamie and Doug work to repair the trust issues with Dr. Epstien. She has some serious hurdles to overcome and Doug worries that her comparing him to people from her past will be a stigma he just can’t shake. Dr. Epstien encourages them to do something for one another that shows each other the kind of love you want to have, by giving the kind of love you want to have. It’s a little surprising when Jamie says that’s a hard exercise. I would hope that the relationships I’m in this would be something that would be happening naturally, but that’s not always the case.
Jason and Courtney had a great discussion with Dr. Epstien. While they might be the youngest couple, it’s been fascinating that they may have some of the most mature outlooks on this experiment. We find out Jason has some issues with trust. There seems to be some previous relationship wounds that while healed are still at the forefront.
The moment things start to go good, Jason questions things. He reaches out to his good friend Josh. He’s trying to commit but he’s been let down so many times before. He’s still worried about time commitment while he’s in the academy and some trust issues. Surprisingly similar to Jamie’s on faithfulness. Josh steers him in the right direction. Want Josh to give you advice? Check him out here:
One Month Anniversary Gifts
So they’ve been challenged to be romantic, do things for each other and celebrate their one month anniversary. These guys are clever and creative when it comes to their gifts.

Monet & Vaughn decide it’s time. That or Time’s Up! They both receive watches, which is a spin on the one year anniversary gift of a clock. Hopefully time’s not up for these two!
To say that I didn’t giggle when Cortney & Jason exchanged gifts, well. I’m a Broadway nerd, and I thought who on earth would ever go to Rocky! on Broadway, now I know! A Brooklyn boy who’s never been to a Broadway show?
And for someone who says he isn’t romantic, the darling gifts that Jason got for them. I’m hoping on their one year anniversary, they do a real big wedding and these two are still together!
Doug and Jamie’s gifts were more romantic expressions than something tangible. Which is a great idea!
Doug tries his hand being a stand up comedian and dedicates his set to Jamie. Jamie decides to give them both some great memories to replace the ones from the Wedding Day. No more are the scary, don’t touch me Doug photos what they have of each other. Jamie arranged for new photos to be taken. Now if that’s not someone who’s in this, I don’t know what to say. I hope this means they are on their way to a happy ever after, Dr. Epstien said they both deserve it, it’s just whether or not they’ll let the other in. Jamie even mentioned last night on twitter, that she can’t fall in love and protect herself at the same time. Some things are just worth the risk.
So, next week friends. We find out what our couples chose. They show a clip of Dr. Pepper excitedly clapping her hands and saying I’m so pleased. I hope this means someone says, Yes, we’re staying married. This may not be for everyone, Marriage in general may not be for everyone. But I think if even one of these couples succeed, the experiment will have been a success. I don’t think you need a 100% success rate. When pride and stubbornness and fear and trust issues all get in the way, even a team a scientists can’t make you love each other.
Good luck Monet and Vaughn, Doug and Jamie, Cortney and Jason! Know that we’ve loved following you on your ride no matter what you chose. I don’t think any of you took this lightly, I think you’ve all learned and all grown from your experiences. Hopefully your next chapters are together. Can’t wait for next week!
Married at First Sight is on the FYI Channel, Tuesdays at 9 ET/ 10 PT
Screen Caps by Emily