While we were at Comic Con we had the pleasure of sitting down with some of our fave authors: Christina Lauren, Kresley Cole and Alice Clayton. We plied with them free booze, air conditioning (which we promptly turned off after they arrived. Dollah dollah billz yall) and the chance to play a dirty game of Taboo/Catchphrase if they answered a few of our questions first.
Then it was time to get friiissssskkkyyyy! Yea know as frisky as two 4 authors, their PR girl, a camera girl, two editors and a partridge in a pear tree can get. SO YEA this is heavily edited… for your innocence.
In this portion of the afternoon we pit the authors against each other in a risqu game of Taboo/Catchphrase. If you’re not familiar, one player is given a word she must describe along with a list of five words she CANNOT use to help describe it, then the others try to guess the secret word. Hilarity ensures:
We dare you to play this at your next family gathering… Thanksgiving is coming up!! BUUUTT WHHHHAAATT! Ok, maybe just play a version of this with your galpals at you next personal Boozy Book Club… or you know via text when you’re bored. MAN ROOT! (ewwwwww)
Don’t miss these books!
Besides being amazing ladies who aren’t afraid to say “Merkin” on video, these gals are awesome authors. Don’t miss their upcoming titles
Alice Clayton: Screwdrivered (9/2/14) and Mai Tai’d Up (12/2/14) Catch Alice Online
Christina Lauren: Sublime (10/14/14) and Dirty Rowdy Thing (11/4/14) Christina Lauren Books dot com
Kresley Cole: Dark Skye (Out NOW!) Dead of Winter (1/5/15) The Wonderful World of Kresley Cole
Thanks to the wonderful, funny and beautiful authors for joining us and being good sports. We want you on our team any day!