Have you been following along with our latest series Hugh Gotta Be Kidding Me?
Hugh Jackman is ripped and Men’s Health magazine agrees.
Let’s check out why the man behind the Wolverine makes the rest of us look like couch potatoes.
The boy likes to bounce.
Let us not forget the amaze-balls tap dancing skills he possesses.
Bro, do you even lift? Yes, yes he does.
In his free time, he goes on Sunday morning bike rides.
And shoots crossbows.
Even when he’s not bouncing, lifting, biking, or tap dancing he makes us look lazy by his choice of transportation…which appears to be a drive-able cooler.
Hugh Gotta Be Kidding Me.
Is it normal for one person to have this much energy or is Hugh really a superhero posing as an actor playing a superhero? Sound off in the comments section!