So many questions. I took a quick trip through this fellow’s profile.
Second pad change of the day, feeling fresh again! #Libra #Goodnights #ExtraLong
— Men in Menstruation (@menstrualmen) July 18, 2014
This is my #menstrual collection for the coming months — Men in Menstruation (@menstrualmen) July 18, 2014
@GabeHines Guys can also wear #pads on a daily basis for comfort 😀 #libra #kotex #whisper — Men in Menstruation (@menstrualmen) July 18, 2014
@iTweetLikeATeen Tell me about it, got to wait until there’s no-one in the boy’s bathroom too open one of those purse packs. — Men in Menstruation (@menstrualmen) July 18, 2014
@perfecthate hopefully note more that four or eight hours ago #TS
— Men in Menstruation (@menstrualmen) July 17, 2014
Wait… What? I don’t think it’s so much that he likes women on their periods, but that he wants to be one of them. Dude. You don’t want it.
@eliseramsay yes, a period enthusiast. I’m a male no-intention of turning any other sex, perhaps more of a fetish.
— Men in Menstruation (@menstrualmen) July 18, 2014
I feel a little bad for him, in that he tries to strike up conversation with (mostly teenage) girls on their period, and they nearly always shut him down. Actually no, I don’t feel bad. That’s not really ok. This is hard to watch, but I can’t look away.
And yet, just in case you thought this was some evolved species of male who has developed extra sensitivity and understanding, he comes out with this gem:
Heteronormativity lives! That’s totally right, dude who wears pads, there is one type of sex, and therefore, one way to lose your virginity. duh. Lest you think this is all period talk, he does intersperse the teenage gif RTs and pad chat with tweets about that PLANE (not that one, but the recent awful incident).
Pads and Putin, guys. Match made in the mind of a period enthusiast. So, investigative journalist that I am, I had to figure out if this was A Thing. This being “guys who like periods.” I didn’t quite make it that far into my research, because I stumbled upon, which is a glorious relic of Internet.
Ohh, ok. Thank you for telling me this, Website. Is there any research being done around this? I assume you are backed up by science.
“A man’s testosterone level will be higher in the winter than it will be in the spring. This is being studied to see why it happens.”
Oh, for sure. Glad I checked. The sad thing (but seriously, why am I still surprised by this?) is that nearly all commenters are like “Thank you for confirming what I thought all along, with SCIENCE!” However, there is one skeptic who is onto us, we women: YOU GOT ME.
Dear @menstrualmen, if you’re reading this… Yes, I did block you. I am (a little) sorry. Carry on with your bad self.
What in the name of Barrons is going on here? What are you favorite WTF twitter accounts? Do people even WEAR pads anymore?