All British boys all the time. Welcome to Union Jack’d. Sit back and let us introduce you to Luke Pasqualino.
Fresh off binge watching Tony Stonem (Nicholas Hoult) from Season 1 and 2 of Skins, I was introduced to Freddie Mclair (aka Luke Pasqualino) in Season 3. Freddie is a freshfaced skater boy with a penchant for shenanigans. His home life is tense since Mom died. His best quality is loyalty, although with his best friend, Cook, and his girlfriend, Effy, that tends to land him in trouble more than anything.
Basically what I’m saying is… Freddie is a legitimate Young Adult fiction dreamboat.
The Freddie/Effy love saga is melodramatic in ways that only teenage first loves can be, but it all started with this…
If that scene doesn’t warm the cockles of your heart and remind you of all those ‘first flutters,’ you’re basically dead.
Next I spotted Pasqualino in Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome. Confession…I am a nerd. I love nerd thingz. So imagine how much I flipped out when I see my adorable Freddie Mclair as a young. Bill. Adama. I kid you not, I lost it for a moment.
To my fellow nerds, how great was this moment?
Then Pasqualino moved on to the role of D’artagnan in BBC One’s actionadventure series, The Musketeers. Pasqualino’s version of the beloved character is young, idealistic, and quite the ladies’ man. How he meets his main love interest, Constance, in the Season 1 premiere is a whirlwind of emotions that just keeps on spinning through the whole season. He also looks quite dashing on a horse.
Still, Pasqualino isn’t quite an American household name. All that may change this month with the opening of his new movie Snowpiercer, also starring Chris Evans and Jamie Bell. This is a fullon Rated R, dystopian movie meant for adults which makes me silly excited.
IRL, Pasqualino is active on social media (though he mostly just retweets) and friendly to fans. He even retweeted the ‘If I Stay’ poster which bodes well for his taste in books and movies.
Within his fandemonium, he has been dream cast as both Disney’s Aladdin and a grownup Mowgli.
This could be a thing.
Luke Pasqualino, I love you and #thatsnormal.
Read all the Union Jack’d Posts Here!
Written by Amanda
Amanda’s Current Obsessions: Hugh Jackman’s trapezius muscle. Nicholas Hoult’s everything. Will Herondale. CW’s The 100. Mango Lemonade. Horses. You may know her from: The astounding performance as “the titular horrible hogglewart” in Mrs. Green’s 3rd grade class play or as “the girl who rides the horses.” For more about the latter, check out her articles at Horse Nation. To discuss anything else, find her on Twitter @u_ronan