Last year Elise and I were Comic Con Virgins. We wrote allll about our Comic Con Expectations here and they were pretty realistic. And by that I mean…. not really that realistic at all. Actually, some things about Comic Con were better than we expected (tacos, the hot guys) and some were disappointing (we did not see ONE MacHalo). Since Elise & I have one year of San Diego Comic Con under our belts, we’re obviously experts here to provide you with any and all advice on making your Comic Con week the best week ever.
Here is what we anticipate this year at Comic Con.
Last year we were totally kidding when we said
But we weren’t that far off. Geeks TOTALLY find their matches. Virginities are DEFINITELY lost.
But move over geek virginity, this year is the year of TN SEX. Turns out, the guys are hot at Comic Con. There may be a single girl or two in our crew that plans on getting ON that Comic Con Train, if you know what I’m saying. I’m not saying the train that runs right outside of the Convention Center.
Elise: ok, while guys don’t necessarily look like seth cohen…a surprising number of them look like seth cohen’s taller, blonder roommate
Bekah: YES… they are plenty of guys straight from hollywood….
Elise: AND a few of them look channing tatum-adjacent
Bekah: and while I’m not suggesting you start up a bi-coastal RELATIONSHIP with them because #hollywood … I TOTALLY recommend SEX
Elise: plus, there are a fair amount of attractive ladies. not saying i’d go for it, but.. if Cosplay gets intense.. There’s really no telling.
Bekah: Remember when we had no idea there was a late night meat market in hotel bars after-hours where fabulous looking-NORMAL people hang out? And that if you stumble there late one night you might actually meet someone worth keeping around for a year?
Elise: Yeah, and maybe that guy you meet late one night gives really good oprah-esque advice. I dunno.
Yeah, we’re going back to BarCon this year.
Bekah: Speaking of that… now that we’re experts and know that it’s not just for that weird girl at school no one talked to, Cosplay isn’t just something we’re making fun of… and just watching from afar… I mean.. you’re IN it right? You have a plan & everything?
Elise: i do, although i really need to budget for this…I have an idea. i don’t really plan on being in character though because I honestly can’t do it justice..
It’s just so hard being Mac
Bekah: I think the thing to a successful cosplay is accept you’re not going to look as good as the pin up girls. But there are DEF plenty of girls you will look better than so it’s okay
Elise: i think it’s fair to say i live my life by “ But there are DEF plenty of girls you will look better than so it’s okay”
Hall H
Bekah: There is no way in HELL I’m going anywhere near Hall H…Okay I might walk over once or twice on my way to a press conference (SORRY SUCKERS IN LINE) but while I considered hopping in line for a hot second last year, there is absolutely NOTHING worth waiting in a 12 hour line, getting up at 4 am, for.
Elise: Unless they’re giving away tacos. I’m going to be all up in the tacos.
Bekah: Do these people not know that all the “exclusive” content is on bootleg youtube videos like 15 minutes later? And unless you spend your ENTIRE week in line, you’re gonna be in the back nowhere near Jon Snow’s face? You can see better pictures on Twitter during the session. Skip Hall H with us and join us at the pool.
Bekah: So what if No Hall H means missing out on “bonding” with fellow geeks in line. I’ll bond with them in a 30 min line trying to cross the street. No Hall H for me
Elise: Can we talk about tacos now?
Bekah: Okay. Remember when we found that place with yummy fancy tacos that kale in them? Kale+ Tacos = Heaven.
Elise: I just really hope fewer women walk around in thongs this time.. i mean, i’m trying to enjoy my fifth taco here..get yo ass outta my face
The TN Language
Elise: I also anticipate MANY phrases to be coined by the TN group: “guacamole” {hot geek} “just a real quick…” {words to live by and say in every situation possible}
Bekah: oh yeah.. I mean. “real quick selfie” was coined at Comic Con 2013. Can’t wait to see what 2014 brings!
We will spend a lot of time in our adorable, rented house
Bekah: Obviously we are going to have SO much time to lay out by our pool this year. My tan is going to be redic. I also anticipate our homemade brunches to be most satisfying.
Elise: I can’t wait to cook for you all
Bekah: Sorry diner-eggs in a TBS-themed dining hall, we had a quinoa-poached eggs-avocado breakfast! It’s like we’re vacationing with our own personal chef! YOU!
The Celebs
Elise: I hope chris pratt is there for guardians of the galaxy. i imagine we hang out and he realizes i’m a lot lower maintenance than anna faris. and it’s a happily ever after situation. No pressure
Bekah: I literally don’t have anyone I’m too excited about seeing this year. Last year my goal was to see Thrusting Theo {James} IRL. Been there done that. I’m pretty excited to see Sam Heughan (Jamie Fraser from Outlander) but mostly because I think we should bet on how much Beth loses her shit
Elise: Yea I’m only excited to watch Beth watch Sam
Okay the Countdown is ON. Preview night starts a month from TODAY. We will be together {in our house, sipping drinks by the pool eating tacos made by our personal TN chef} a month from TODAY. Get excited for the crazy. Because whether you’re there or not, you’re ALLLL coming along for the ride!
Will you be at SDCC? Who would YOU wait in a 12 hour Hall H line to see?