Dear People I Know Selling Stuff on Facebook,
I want to let you know that I am super excited that you are well on your way to being skinny/healthy/super-organized/debt-free/less wrinkled than a newborn baby. Kudos to you! And I want to thank you for wanting to share your secret for a real-quick payment of $100. Let me just give you my credit card number so you can just bill me monthly, ok? I already feel more skinny/healthy/super-organized/debt-free/less wrinkled than a newborn baby.
I just have a few quick reservations:
If I sign up does that mean that I have to start pushing this stuff on social media too? Here’s the thing, we all go to Facebook to see what everyone is up to. If we all start pushing this stuff, then how are we going to be able to judge if WE are more skinny/healthy/super-organized/debt-free/less wrinkled than a newborn baby MORE than that PTA mom down the street? This is going to take so much fun out of Facebook.

Mr T is great in moderation, but I am afraid that all of our Facebook pictures will look like this after a while.
Also, do you remember the last IRL conversation we had where you told me that you didn’t think that we should let our kids play together? I am unsure as to where in that conversation you got the idea that it would be ok to private message me about your new product that would make me more skinny/healthy/super-organized/debt-free/less-wrinkled than a newborn baby.
I have to admit that I am kind of skeptical about this whole thing. I was under the assumption that the old fashioned way to get skinny and debt-free at the same time included just not eating. Not eating usually leads to being too sleepy to work, and if I am not working I don’t really need that car, which means I don’t need that car loan. Of course this leaves out the whole healthy thing.
I might need some more time to think about this. I am sure you won’t let me forget about it with your multiple updates per day, aggressive PM’s, and unsolicited emails.
No thanks (no REALLY NO THANK YOU),
P.S. If you are one of my wonderful Facebook friends selling a product right now, this isn’t about you. It’s about that other Facebook friend selling something. Either way, a few less “buy this product” posts would be appreciated. Maybe put a few selfies with you of your cat up? Those are the best.
Are your pseudo friends harassing you on facebook to buy their crack creme?
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