Late last year, Kresley Cole published a 3 part series called The Professional online. It follows an American, goody-two-shoes PhD student named Natalie Porter who finds out she’s the daughter of a Russian Mafia King. Aleksandr “The Siberian” Sevastyan is sent to America to watch over her after news of her existence reaches Natalie’s father’s enemies. He whisks her off to Russia where he can better protect her. And by “protect” her I mean, ruin ever bit of innocence that she ever had. Sevastyan has a need for… errr.. let’s say the rougher side of sex and struggles with his attraction this his boss and father figure’s innocent daughter.
It’s a quick, easy devilish read, if you’re into that sort of thing. And The Professional (Game Maker) comes out in paperback & on Kindle (the 3 part online version is no longer available) this Tuesday, May 6th! To celebrate, it’s only $3.79 on eBook. YOU GUYS CAN AFFORD THAT.
Win a copy of The Professional
We have been given a few copies of The Professional (paperbacks!) to give away. Entering is EASY. You can do one or all of the following: Tweet about the contest, Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter. Sign in via Facebook (easiest!) to
Rules: US only. SORRY WE KNOW. 18+ only. SORRY BABIES. Contest runs 5/3 through 5/5 at 11:59 pm. We will contact the winner(s) by e-mail!