Next year will be the 20th anniversary of the movie Clueless, so I got to thinking about how one of my faaaavvvorite movies shaped my life. No, no much deeper than that year I wore nothing but plaid skirts, over-the-knee socks and tiny backpacks EVERY.DAY. and more than being introduced to The Muffs and Lucious Jackson via the soundtrack we played EVERY.DAY. when I was on the school TV news team.
Clueless was more than all that, Clueless was really a movie of life lessons. Let’s take a look at the highlights:
The perfect guy for you might just be your step brother
Ok, ok maybe not, cause let’s be honest that was a weird twist in the story line BUUUTTT I’m really saying that because the guy you like may not be your OTP, when in fact you should really be with your guy friend/nerdy neighbor/coffee shop friend/acquaintance on the train. You get the idea. Oh and the guy you think you’re supposed to be with might really be gay.
It’s good to be picky
Especially where significant others and friends are concerned. And while we’re at it… leather jackets, champagne, sushi, roommates and bras.
Our words can hurt
Just like Tai calling out Cher as a hymenly challenged bad driver, it’s important to remember once those words are out there you can’t take them back. So be gentle on the hymen.
If a guy likes you, nothing’s going to stop him
What’s wrong with you? Probably nothing. Not bad lighting, not your flat hair. If I’ve learned anything about boys, is that if they like you they’re gonna make it happen. And nothing is wrong with you, they just don’t like you like that.
You should always have something baking when a boy comes over
The way to a boy’s heart is through his stomach. It’s true, so get out that food Pinterest board and get to cooking and if that means burning a roll of cookie dough, than burn away girl. BURN AWAY.
You CAN Harmonize to rap songs
If you live in Los Angeles, Film Independent will be screening Clueless on TUESDAY, May 6th at LA Live as part of the LA Film Fest. It’s free, so come… you may just see meeeee! And Cher and Dionne and Amber and MURRAY and the director Amy Heckerling. Get more info HERE.
What lessons did you learn?