And then we got this from YahooTV the other day:
Are these two teases one and the same? Two separate things? If we’re supposed to be getting the #WhereIsClaire thing from Yahoo at 10est on Friday (that’s the rumor on the fandom street), but TODAY IS JAMIE FRASER’S BIRTHDAY, shouldn’t we get the goods NOW?
And by goods I mean: a lengthy (at least 3 minute) scene of JAMMF talking, riding a horse, smirking and showing off his dirk.
I don’t know, I’m just spit-balling here.
So, I gathered the That’s Normal clan to make some predictions on what we will get. Here’s what we came up with.
Bekah: SEX SCENE (I hope not)
Bekah: So the yahoo thing, what does that mean? Is it Claire related?
Beth: Are we supposed to be using the #WhereIsClaire hashtag? Do we win a fancy red fedora if we do?
Beth: And by the way YAHOOTV, “exclusive first look” means NEW trailer with NEW FOOTAGE from NEW EPISODES.
Katy: Nah. Same exact trailer they’ve already released, but with new ‘alternate’ score by Metallica.
Beth: It’s one of several sex scenes between … Claire and Frank.
Jamie: They’ll finally answer the question of whether Claire will have arm pit hair?
Bekah: Claire in her wedding dress? AGAIN I HOPE NOT
Jamie: Impromptu lesson about birth control in the 18th century?
Beth: Looks to me like Claire is coming across a giant dildo statue.
Katy: It’ll be an all “pocket cast” reenactment of the first season of Beverly Hills 90210 starring:
- Pocket Frank as Brandon
- Pocket Claire as Kelly
- Pocket Jamie as Dylan …. and
- Pocket Black Jack Randall as Brenda
Bekah: A special video from Heughan thanking us for our very special birthday video?
Jamie: To promote the series, the fan fictiony AU/Text messages between Jamie and Claire has a book trailer!
Beth: Oh, they’re going to make the announcement for our Outlander as YA fanfic. Thanks, Starz!
Beth: They’re finally announcing that line of Claire’s home remedies and hot oils for sale at Body Shop.
Bekah: Sam’s “Coming out” Video?
Susan: Sam reveals that he WAS gay, but seeing Beth’s boobs has persuaded him to give the ladies a try.
Beth: Snapchats of Sam’s ass that disappear in 2 seconds.
Katy: Sneak peek of Rupert’s ass cameo?
Bekah: Announcement that they recast Jamie Fraser with the Gaelic instructor because “Sam just couldn’t get the accent quite right?”
Beth: I’m worried about the phrase “we’ll need your help” … I pray this isn’t one of those search the internet for clues and we’ll reveal this picture piece by piece.
Susan: They are releasing a connect the dots in Sam’s moles (or chest hair) which reveals a scavenger hunt written in Gaelic code, which we then decipher and use to find samples of Claire’s medicinal plants, which by the latitude in which they are grown provides us numbers to enter into a Navier-Stokes equation, the solution of which, divided by Diana’s birthdate reveals the premiere date for the show!
Beth: I don’t want to do tricks for my treats, Starz.
Tiffany: Am I the only one who sees this in the picture?
So what do you guys think we are getting this weekend? What do you WANT it to be? I gotta say, I’m just glad something is going on because it feels SO GOOD to be blogging about Outlander again!!!