I really shouldn’t be bringing up MORE books on the same day that we are doing Boozy Book Club because all of you get mad at me for recommending too many books. But I should tell you: this post was originally about 7 books that I’m really excited about that are coming out in the next two weeks, so be glad … {be VERY glad} that I kept it to just one.
City of Heavenly Fire: Y/N?
Finally, the final installment of Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments series is out today, and I’m curious: Am I the only one excited to read this?
These books get a lot of mixed reviews. In fact, I think my very first That’s Normal post broke down the pros and cons of this particular fandom. And despite my reservations, I love these books. Maybe it’s because Jace and Clary were one of the first YA couples I ever read (after Twilight and few others that were unimpressive). Maybe it’s because despite how terrible the movie was, I think Clare’s Shadowhunter world is well-built, interesting and unique.
And I have to say it: Clare knows how to finish a series. The Infernal Devices has one of the best ending (and epilogues) that I’ve ever read in a series. That final book was perfect. I’m excited to see what she does with The Mortal Instruments. And I have to say this as well, I’m ready to see the series just END (kind of … enough already).
So, time for a little poll for my personal curiosity.
[polldaddy poll=8079543]