It’s time for a little, That’s Normal IRL (in real life for those not up on the internet speak) cause guess whaaaatt!! Tomorrow is my birthday!!! The big… 3…2… yup, I can’t believe I wrote numbers higher than 27 cause that’s about how old I want to be BUT ya know, I’ve earned these years and they’ve been pretty darn wonderful. It’s weird because I feel about 16 but also like a grown up for maybe the first time ever. So when in the last year or so did I finally become an “adult?” I got to thinking about how the little things in life have become more important, the experiences and the things I can touch or feel with my hands.
So in the spirit of my 32nd birthday and getting older and being open, I thought I’d give you a little glimpse into me and into the “normal” things I’m now suddenly into that seems perplexing to the younger me.
32nd Birthday Revelations
I have a secret love for Pinterest
The 2010 version of me is laughing and pointing at me. But guys… I have a pretty intense Pinterest gardening board… and recipe board… and Summer 2014 board… and a board solely dedicated to TEA… and maybe a secret Outlander board that I was going to unveil at a more opportune moment, but it’s probably not too hard to find now that I’ve let the cat outta the bag.
I love gardening
I have become my grandma… an old southern women who wears hats and digs in the dirt and eats fat, juicy home grown tomatoes all summer. I have embraced my gradual decent into Steel Magnolia territory with grace, a sun hat and a pair of hideous but OHMYGODTHEYARESOCOMFORTABLE hot pink GARDENING (I do not wear them out of the house) crocs.
I’m not really into going out or bars anymore
Sure, every now and again is fine but I’d much rather be in bed, money in my pocket, and not wondering how massive my headache will be in the morning when midnight rolls around now. I’ve been there, done that, got the tattoo and now that I’m 32 (AH!) I don’t care and it’s GREAT! No need to keep up with doormen, or make nice with the bartender or think about bar outfits when you shop.
I like bad TV
Don’t get me wrong I LOVE good tv but there’s just something about tuning into a show you don’t have to be thinking about theories or recall a nuanced moment that happened 10 episodes back or how this episode is an analogy for the stock market crash of the 20s. Cause guess what… shows like Clash of the Ozarks, Real Housewives, Eric Loves Jessie and Bar Rescue don’t need you to care that much about the plot line. They exist to fill our Tuesday nights when the DVR is empty of all the GOOD Sunday night shows.
I love hanging out with my family
I can’t think of anyone I want to spend more time with then my family… and my friends and my boyfriend. Even though it seems like the group gets smaller as the years go, the best have risen to the top. Go out or sit on my brother’s couch and talk for four hours?? I think we know the answer here.
I like Indian food!
When did this happen? I can say for most of my life I’ve been pretty vehemently against Indian food. Don’t get me wrong, I will try anything but for years I just never found anything I liked Indian food wise. Who knows what happened in the last few years but I am all over the saags and the paneers and the masalas and the pakoras. Put some naan in my hand and call me a thirty something.
So when exactly did I “grow up?” When did the korma and the herb plants worm their way into my heart? Who can say for sure, but life changes and that’s normal.
What will I be doing for my birthday? Oh just going to a sold out concert in a club late at night. REVELATIONS ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN! That’s just the beginning including a birthday dinner with friends, the beach and I’m sure a few moments spent pinning DIY cutoffs, boozy popsicle recipes, thinking about sprouting some heirloom seeds to plant next week, laughing with my loverboy and probably blogging a little bit more. Thanks for being a wonderful part of my 32 years.