So it’s really no surprise that one of the newest cast members, playing a fan-favorite character has suddenly jolted into our collective man-crush consciousness. Of course, I’m talking about Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper … ie new-to-me actor, Pedro Pascal.
Spoiler Alert: Pedro was born in 1975, so he’s a whole DECADE older than our self-imposed-cougar-limit.
Anyone who’s a fan of the books will tell you that there is something about the Red Viper that draws you to his character. He has a clear purpose. He’s driven by vengeance, but is also a man who doesn’t seek out conflict above pleasure. He’s very, uh, sexually open. He’s a genuine force to be reckoned with and that makes him dangerous and pretty unafraid of the threats lurking in King’s Landing. He’s generally just a total sexy badass.
So I went into this season knowing I was going to be excited to see that character brought to life. But we weren’t two scenes into the first episode when I found myself googling the actor playing Oberyn. Because HOBOY. This guy was BRINGING IT.
That right there ^^^ is Pedro Pascal making a very sexy, completely amazing physical acting choice that basically requires me to retitle this post: Oberyn Martell CAN GET IT. (If you can’t guess, I’m super into that flame thing he’s doing).
Then I was so caught off guard by his voice. I don’t know why. I mean, obviously everyone from Dorne would have/should have a heavy accent, but his was so unexpected. So, cue my googling. That’s how it starts, right guys? You love a character. The person playing that character intrigues you, makes the character even better. Your interest in piqued in the actor. You google. You lose 4 years of your life never missing a television appearance or a premiere or a project or a papped trip to In-and-Out. This is the fangirl life, you guys. So, here’s what I found out about Pedro. I googled so you don’t have to.
He’s a big FAKER
Sure, he’s Chilean BY BLOOD and BIRTH and all, but that accent is a giant LIE and I almost slammed my macbook shut and cried when I watched my first out-of-character, Pedro-only video. His real voice still has that really cool clipped deepness, BUT if you are into him for the cool way he says, “Tell your father I am here” and “When it comes to love, I don’t choose sides” … then just trust me and keep to the show. Because *sob* IRL he’s just like … Californian.
He’s a big Fanboy
So before he auditioned for the role of Oberyn, Pedro was just like us: watching the show with his buddies and being totally into it, and never thinking the mostly-European casting directors were looking for LA/NYC types to fill their roster. But he auditioned with his iPhone, cursed the sides he had to read from because of their spoilers (that’s next level fanboy shizz to admit, btw), and got the role without knowing he got the role. Like most actors, he abuses the word “surreal” and didn’t read the books, but I will forgive him for it because he’s really genuine and earnest, and JUST ENOUGH cocky to make me swoon.
He’s a big flirt
Despite my disappointment with his accent, he’s really a great interviewee. He’s open, self-deprecating, and honest. It’s a fun combination. And his instagram account is chock full of super-cute, flirty pics with his co-stars. HECK TO THE YES.
Ok, so do you think he’s obsession-worthy ladies? Are you going to go digging into back episodes of The Good Wife and Graceland and Buffy to see all you can of Pedro? Or are you satisfied with the Red Viper? I think Pedro might stay a GoT-specific obsession for me.