A wise friend once told me to just go with it when I start to question plots of movies, TV show or books for the sake of entertainment. Others on the internet have not heeded the same advice and thank goodness they didn’t or else we wouldn’t have gems like, “How Frozen Should Have Ended.”
And while we are on the Frozen subject, how does Anna even know how to ride a horse? Did she take the horse trotting around the halls? How is it that the same film that calls Anna out for getting engaged after 1 day, also try to marry her off to someone after perhaps a total of 36 hours together? Those are some hypocritical love experts. See, sometimes it is better to just go with it.
I think we can all agree that the video is pretty amazing though.
And speaking of mind-blowing movie plots and twists. I found another little gem on Harry Potter. After we had to deal with the fallout of J.K Rowling’s loose lips about who should have ended up with whom, we deserve to think about Harry Potter in a new eye-opening way. Prepare yourself. I’ll give you a minute.
How a fan interprets the prophecy in Harry Potter Universe.
Via Tickled
Could you imagine that epilogue now? PTSD Harry Potter lives FOREVER….alone.
What do you think about these alternate endings?