1. Dance it out.
I regularly rent studio space and just kind of flail around like a jellyfish. Or teach myself music video choreography. Sometimes if you just lie on the floor in a big empty room and listen to music, it’s enough.
2. Marathon Walks
It’s easy when you have a furry friend like this one to go walking for miles and miles (reason #34853 to get a dog). But my alternate favorite walk is the music-video-strut-whilst-jamming-to-fierce-tunes. Find the straightest path nearby and be like Bey.
3. Nature
Sometimes related to #2, sometimes not: I just need to nature with regularity. One night in da club is enough to make me crave moss, leaves, and ancient trees. Again, pretty sure I am actually a wood nymph. Cosplay idea?
4. Make ridiculous food
Protip: buy yourself a penis pan. You will never look back. Beyond NSFW baked goods, and at the risk of sounding GOOP-like, I love taking on an ambitious kitchen project. Working with my hands, combined with the act of making something wonderful out of a bunch of components, is just very rewarding. Plus, I’m a sucker for pleasing people with food.
5. People watching
I love sitting somewhere outside in a bustling place and watching the wonderful and weird humans mill around. I sound like SUCH a hippie, but when I take out my headphones, look up from my phone, and actually look around for a solid period of time, I learn a lot about people.
6. Museum
NERRRRRD. But really, I love being around very old things. It resets my head from worrying about all sorts of modern-day nonsense that doesn’t matter a lick in the grand scheme of things. Modern art museums are also good for bending the brain, even while sober.
7. Escape into another world
I don’t really need to put reading on here, because it’s so obvious, but for true de-Internetting, I need a solid chunk of a few hours to read. This is not like commute-to-work reading, I need to fully escape. Nothing like throwing your phone away and entering a true fantasy for a couple hours. But I don’t need to tell you that.
8. Draw
And, of course: drawing. But it’s last on the list because it’s such a personal and fleeting thing. Don’t ask me “have you been drawing lately?” It happens when it wants to, and that’s that. It’s not something I can sit down and muscle through.
Well, that’s my slightly solemn guide to de-Internetting. Are you getting that itch now, too? What do you do to escape?