I blame it on the alcohol all the YA fiction that I’ve consumed over the past 5 years or so. Although most of the stories do take place in more recent decades or the future, I can’t help but be zapped back to a time of flannels, baby-doll dresses and Y-necklaces. I have been officially diagnosed with YAINN (YA-Induced Nineties Nostalgia), this is totally a real thing that I just made up.
Symptoms of YAINN
- Fantasies of time traveling back to high school – wherein you inhabit your younger body and have to think of clever plans liking faking short term memory loss when you cannot recall your class schedule, people’s phone numbers or your locker combination. Then find college boys to date since there’s a weird ethical sticky area of an older mind/teen body and young High School boys being slightly creepy and hairless. And by date, I mean ravage. Of course. In this fantasy, I somehow make time to really study just to prove to myself that if I actually applied myself I could have graduated top 10, while partying a whole lot more. Basically I want to be the really smart, slutty version of myself.
- Re-watching the best of 90s programming – I’ve already relived the angst-filled drama of My So-Called Life on Hulu and catch episodes of FRIENDS whenever it’s on (which is approximately 14 hours a day). Next on the queue: episodes of 90210 for Brenda-Kelly cat fights, the millionth re-watch of Buffy for no other reason than Angel and Buffy, Dawson’s Creek for late 90s millenial angst and perhaps a little Clarissa Explains It All to understand my own attraction to bright colors, big belts and high waisted shorts. Perhaps, I’ll break out my worn out VHS recording of Lady Bugs for some bittersweet reminiscing about Jonathan Brandis in drag.
- Too much fondness of 90s fashion – Think of the mid-90s Delia’s catalog. What’s so wrong with that? Wide leg pants, baby-doll tees, chokers? I really didn’t mind the over-sized t-shirts with umbria shorts phase either. In fact, I am still bitter that my parents wouldn’t buy me a starter jacket.
- Google Image Searches of 90s Heart Throbs – Three words: Joey Lawrence, Whoa!
If you find yourself suffering from one or ore of these YAINN symptoms proceed immediately to these fun 90s blog posts because there really is no cure, just ways to help feed the addiction.
Who doesn’t need the excess of jean materials in the crotch area, even for the ladies?
11 Fashions the Kids Were Wearing back in 1993
True Story: My friend and her family were on Double Dare in 1992
25 Things You Didn’t Know About Nickelodeon’s Heyday
My Personal Favorite T-shirt that I wore Freshman year: Coed Naked Soccer, Get your kicks on the grass.
33 ’90s Trends That, In Retrospect, Mayber We’re Such a Great Idea
Do you find yourself yearning for the 90s? What were your favorite things about the decade?