Oh the Bachelor Women Tell All episode. I usually skip this episode during the seasons because frankly, I find it boring. Monday night’s episode was really no exception. Here’s the breakdown of what you need to know.
The women seem to not like Juan Pablo that much

Surprised? Nope not at all. They agreed that their conversations were mostly surface level. They thought he went around changing every rule that he made just to satisfy himself in the moment. They said he used his daughter as an excuse instead of telling the truth. All of this is old news. We saw it all throughout the season. I’m just glad the women recognize it now too!
Sharleen was embarrassed about their super tongue-y awkward make out scene
She covered her eyes when they re-played it. Not at all surprised she’s feels weird about this. There was so much tongue out in open air; how can you be proud of that? Seeing a tongue ejected from the mouth when it should be tightly enclosed in someone else’s is like seeing a nip slip from your grandma. Tuck that sucker back in there! Yuck.
Seeing Juan Pablo hold a tiny kitten melted my heart
Of course it did! 2 of my favorite things include tiny baby tabby cats and ex-professional soccer players with a Spanish accent and giant, muscular arms. The combination just about made me knock over my wine bottle glass. I don’t know why they didn’t air that when it happened- I think it would aid in changing the public opinion about him.
Chris Harrison and Juan Pablo hate each other
Ok, this isn’t confirmed, but I’ve had a hunch all season long that Chris Harrison just thinks JP is an idiot. Valid. But when Juan Pablo came out on stage their hug said it all. It was awkward. Neither one of them wanted it to happen but they were forced. See for yourself. Click on this link (because embedding isn’t allowed LAME) Skip to 2:29 and cringe.
It was only 1.5 hours long! Hooray. I definitely did a happy dance when I realized I would get an extra 30 minutes of facebook stalking time/sleep that night.
Renee is in a relationship and is rumored to be engaged!
Not actually that surprising because she is the best and deserves true happiness. So happy for Renee!
I ended up liking Juan Pablo a little more than I have in the past
I am glad that he had the opportunity to explain himself a bit. I don’t condone some things that he has said or the way he has acted, but I think we got a glance at what sometimes goes through his pretty little head. He plays the honesty card a lot as we all know. I truly believe he wants to be honest. I don’t think he’s mean or ill intentioned. I don’t think he went on the show for the wrong reasons. I think he just doesn’t know how to express himself or his feelings sometimes. Umm sound familiar? Like everybody who has ever lived? Who doesn’t struggle with that? His struggles just happen to be aired on national television so of course he is going to see backlash for things he has done. I don’t think he should use “being honest” or his cultural differences as an excuse, but I think when he realized he wasn’t going to end up with some of the girls he just didn’t know how to handle it. He could only send so many girls home at once. Maybe harsh honesty is better than being lied to. I don’t know. What do you think?
What surprised you (or didn’t) about Women Tell All? Share below!
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Written by Rachael
Rachael would like you to ignore the fact that she grew up in the middle of Mennonite-ville Pennsylvania and focus on the fact that she’s Latin-American at heart. From food to dancing to the boys (duh), Rach loves Latin culture. She has spent time living in both Bolivia and Costa Rica & currently resides in the City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia). She loves cats and loves to run (just don’t ask where she’s going if she veers off the road while running) Also her sister runs this site & therefore wrote this bio for her.