We had an actual very special Boozy Book Club with author Robin York to discuss her debut NA novel Deeper this week, and you guys: This is a REALLY good conversation! Not only is Robin a darling to talk to, we actually get deep about the topics of Revenge Porn, misogynistic attitudes about women (STILL) and, of course, dry humping. I just re-watched our hour long conversation & loved it all over again. Press play while you’re cooking/cleaning/sitting at your desk & listen along, or check out the break down below & pick and choose the parts you want to watch!
FYI: One of these days we WILL actually start book club non-awkwardly. I definitely won’t be at the helm that day, so look for one of the others girls to lead the non awkwardness. We missed Nikki who was sick. Elise ALMOST poured one out for her, but she likes wine too much. Sorry, Nik!
Kicking us off– what IS Robin’s actual name?
3:00 Robin talks about how she’ll be at Book Ball which is THIS weekend in Orange County, CA!
4:50 We talk about why Robin has multiple author names & if it’s just to confuse us (She also publishes under Ruthie Knox.) Fun Fact: Ruthie Knox has ebooks and Robin York has her first printed book!
5:50 we ask about her venture into New Adult- why she is using a new name. And get into a bit behind the story of Deeper including the naming of the book!
around 7:40 Beth brings out her coloring book of one of Ruthie’s books (it’s actually a printed manuscript of Ride with Me that she won!)
8:26 Bekah learns the difference between bikes & motorcycles. And also that she’s an idiot because she was halfway through Ride with Me before she realized it wasn’t about a motorcycle trip.
10:15 We ask Robin why New Adult? (NA)
12:45 We ask about the sequel and learn that it’s basically West’s book & West is a mess. {And then she laughs maniacally.} We are SO worried about her breaking our hearts (but she does promise we’ll get a happy ending)
14:40 Beth volunteers as tribute to read Harder (the sequel) immediately.
Around 15:00 we make the most obvious joke of all that the 3rd book will be entitled Faster. FYI: Robin KNOWS that the books are called Deeper and Harder. SHE WRITES SEX. NOT A SHOCKER HERE (also there is not a 3rd book. BOO!)
Let’s jump into a convo about Revenge Porn REAL QUICK.
16:25 Bekah takes a good minute to split out a question, but Robin is passionate about this issue and GAH– this issue is important to take some time to listen to what Robin has to say (especially around 18:30– where we talk about how the girls are always blamed for pictures)
21:15 Robin reminds us that Wangs are on Greek Vases. And at 21:30 she says that if there’s a camera in a sexual situation, SOMEONE is taking a picture. But it’s okay! It can be healthy!
23:00 Jamie asks- what if Caroline would have been okay with the pictures– would that have changed the story?
Then Bekah takes a huge ass gulp because this convo is tough:
26:25 After a conversation about choice & Caroline having lots of choices & what she ultimately does with that freedom, Robin confesses it’s good that Deeper ends with Caroline in a good place Because… (she again laughs maniacally) it’s going to get HARDER in book 2. SHE KEEPS TELLING US THIS.
26:50 We discuss how she approached NA differently than her other romance novels
Can we talk about the sexy stuff?
30:35 Bekah wants to talk about West & Caroline in the library. Nothing specific, just about how HOT it was yet weird and how we feel GOOD about it.
32:00 Robin confesses what we probably all feel- BAD BOYS ARE HOT. BOYS WHO GET IN FIGHTS are HOT
32:58 Bekah is slurring now
34:30 We talk about Caroline & if she’s weak. Jamie admits she thought she was weak- she wanted her to confront Nate about the pictures
What does Robin read?
37:45 We ask Robin what she reads & what authors inspire her. She reads a lot of contemporary romance & historical & becomes friends with her favorite authors. Some of whom are:
- Laura Florand (and the Chocolate Series)
- Molly O’Keefe
- Mary Anne Rivers
- Serena Belle
- Cara McKenna Beth fangirls real quick on that one
- Charlotte Stein – her book Sheltered is another not-terrible NA book! (Yes! There are more than just 1!)
- Courtney Milan (for historical romance)
Elise reminds us to talk about the sex
42:40 And we reminisce when sex & hooking up was an experience. Kissing for 1 hour was a THING! And…. OF COURSE our favorite topic at 44:40 when Bekah reminds us that she’s a big fan of the dry humping. WE ARE BIG FANS OF FROTTAGE AT TN
47:50: Then there was… PAGE 88- EVERYTHING GOES BACK TO TWILIGHT (E.G.B.T.T.)
So we have a real quick Twilight chat- and learn about Robin’s Twilight connection around 49:00 AND her OUTLANDER connection at 49:40 which was good because Beth was dying for a reason to bring out Pocket Jamie
52:35 We ask for a LITTLE BIT MORE for what is next with West and Caroline (and get it!)
And close it off at 55:00 with Bekah sharing her dream fan fic version of the ending of Caroline and West’s story.. SOMEONE WRITE THIS FOR ME.
Thanks for hanging in there! Check our Book Club group on Goodreads for our next books!